Firsts pt.3

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Meeting Jack :

Kiara was trying to find good toys , books , etc for a 5 year old kid in the toy store .

" Yo , Liz , what kind of toys do 5 year olds like ? " ; she asked on the phone .

" Do not get them anything that makes noise . That's a big no "

" Okay , thanks "

No noisy toys , got it .

She finally settled on a fbi agent  handmade plushy that looked a lot like Aaron , hot wheels track cars , race car set , and a few comic books ( for 5 year olds ) .

" Your seriously going to bribe my kid into liking you ?  " ; Aaron asked her when he picked her up from her house.

Numerous gifts placed and packed in the backstreet .

" Don't look at it that way ! I can't just meet him without bringing him anything ! "

Aaron shook his head , smiling , as he backed out of Kiara's driveway .

" What did you buy ? "

" I am not telling you that Aar "

" I thought you love me "

" I do but its a surprise for Jack and your a surprise teller "

" Fair point "

They reached Aaron's apartment  in 15 minutes .

He took her hand in his and said , " Don't take it personally if Jack says something mean , he has had it a bit difficult but I know he will love you "

" Its fine babe , I understand "

Aaron kissed her forehead and looked at her lovingly .

" Let's go loverboy . I am excited to meet Jack "

" You really got to stop hanging out with Garcia "

" You can try ! " ; she said as she got all the gifts out of the car .

They took the elevator to the 6th floor and Aaron took out his keys to unlock the door .

As soon as he opened the door  , Jack jumped on him , yelling , " I missed you Daddy "

" Me too buddy " ; Aaron laughed .

" Who are you ? " ; Jack asked in a cute way as he stared at Kiara . She swear he was trying to see into her soul .

" Hello Jack . I am Kiara , I work for the FBI " ; she said crouching down to his level .

" You catch bad guys with daddy ? "

" Yes "

" Your cool ! Are you daddy's girlfriend?  "

" I would like to think so , yes "

" I like you ! "

Aaron and Kiara glanced at each other as a smile played on their lips .

" What are those ? " ; Jack asked , pointing to the packets in Kiara's hands .

" These are for you Jack "

" Thank you " ; he beamed up at her .

" Open it . See if you like it " ; Kiara suggested .

Jack nodded excitedly as he ran with the bags to the living room and started tearing off the packaging .

" That went well " ; Aaron said leaning against Kiara .

" I knew he would like me . Who wouldn't,  I am adorable ! "

" You really need to stop quoting Supernatural "

" I would love to see you try " ; she said before going over to Jack and joining him in making the race track .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now