Bad Days

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Bad days happen to everyone , right ? Well , Kiara was going through a bad week . First , she barely passed her psychology exam . It was bad marks on two consecutive tests . She had studied hard . Really hard . Spend a week straight , waking up early in the morning and sleeping late at night . She thought that her exam went well but here she was , crying in the library with her head in her hands . 

Aaron walked into the library with a big smile on his face . His law exam paper in his hands . He had scored full marks again and wanted to share the news with his girlfriend but upon seeing her sobbing , he quickly threw aside everything and rushed to her . 

" Babe what's wrong ? Did someone hurt you ? " ; he asked worriedly as he checked for possible injuries . 

" Psych exam ! " ; she cried as she tried to hastily wipe her eyes . 

Aaron caught her hands and lowered them cause she was rubbing her eyes aggressively and gently wiped her tears . 

" What happened ? " 

" I barely passed . 55 / 100 . It's horrible . I studied all day and all night and studied really hard and I answered every question but I didn't write one word or something and the professor cut marks in every question because of that ! that is not fair ! I tried so hard and yet I failed and this is two times in a row . I hate this ! All they want is facts and line by line writing . I hate that ! Psychology is not for me Aaron " 

" Okay . Breathe first . Alright ? Calm down . We will talk about this slowly " ; he said as he rubbed her back sympathetically . 

He knew where she was coming from . Aaron was there and he had seen her work harder than ever . 

" The problem is " ; she sniffled . " No one will see how much I tried and worked hard or put in the effort . All they will see is that I failed to get 60 above and will judge me and say hurtful sentences like ' you can do nothing in your life ' , ' you are worthless ' , ' you are useless ' , ' you are a disappointment ' . I don't want to hear those sentences Aaron . It hurts ! really bad . I know I am all those things but I just don't want to hear them " 

" I see , I see your hard work . I will always notice them . I know how much you worked hard Kia . And it happens . The big thing is that you know your mistakes . You recognized your mistakes ! You now know what to do honey . That is all that matters . As for those sentences , I will punch every person who has ever said that to you and make sure that they respect you . Failing is a part of progress my love . That is how we humans learn . Trial and error , remember ? how that mouse tried so many times to escape in the skinner's box experiment and then finally did after multiple tries . That is all exams are about just with a limit for errors . I will help you and I promise you will score full marks in the finals . You are not worthless or a disappointment . You are Kiara Jacobs , my sunshine , the face that my makes my day better , future best FBI agent and future Mrs. Hotchner . You are worth more than your grades , never forget . " 

After that speech , she hugged him tightly . " Thank you " 

" I love you sweetheart " 

" I love you too . How much did you get ? " 

" Me ? Oh , I got zero " ; Aaron lied effortlessly . 

" Liar " ; Kiara poked his cheek . 

" No no , I promise . See , here " ; he said as he tore his answer sheet in half and showed her the zeroes only , discarding the number one . 

Kiara smiled as she wiped her eyes . 

" No more crying sunshine . everything will be okay " ; Aaron kissed her forehead . 

Bad days will happen 

but none of that matters 

we'll find a way 

as long as I' m with you , I'm okay 

                                                   - Backstreet Boys 

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