House Shopping

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Saturdays were brunch date days for the couple . With Jack and Olivia with Garcia cause she insisted on taking them out to do whatever Garcia does best , shopping . 

" Let's hope they don't come back on a sugar high " ; Aaron laughed as he skimmed through the menu . 

They were at a rooftop restaurant for their date . 

" If they do , I will drop both of them in the swimming pool at dad's house to swim . Burn off the adrenaline " ; Kiara shrugged . 

Even though Olivia was just three , she already knew how to swim . 

" What do you want ? " ; Aaron asked his wife . 

" I really want to try the lobster roll and the lobster nachos " ; Kiara said . 

" I will actually take the full english breakfast and a hotdog " ; Aaron said . 

" Don't forget the cold drinks . Cola for me " ; Kiara reminded him . 

After they had ordered their food , Kiara spoke up . 

" So , now that Olivia is here , we are officially a family of 5 " ; Kiara started . 

They had legally adopted her last month . Now she was Olivia Charlie Sanchez Jacobs - Hotchner . It was a mouthful but they both wanted to keep her original last name . 

" And I was thinking , with the parrot and two kids , its a bit crowded " ; she said . 

" You want to give away the parrot ? " ; Aaron asked excitedly . 

" I will not hesitate to throw you off of  here " ; Kiara threatened him . 

" Okay . Sorry . I won't touch the parrot even though he annoys the hell out of me ! " 

" You used to love him and his name is Robert . Anyways , don't you think we should move ? " 

" Okay but where ? " 

" Rossi texted me a few options . All in great areas , closer to Jack's school and a medium distance to both of our works , all of them mansions like his house with a pool and a backyard for picnics , grill nights , an in-built library and a gym " ; Kiara stated excitedly . 

" And all of this is either the house beside him or across him , right ? " ; Aaron asked crossing his arms . 

" How did you know ? " 

" Closer to Jack's school , medium distance to work , you just described the kind of place Rossi lives at . That's why he offers to pick Jack up when I am busy cause its nearer " 

" Its a great place . We should at least check it out ? " 

" Okay , let's go today after this " 

" I love you babe " 


" The drawing room is a great place to hang out as it is really huge , you have a backyard pool and still have a lot of space for barbecues and parties , the kitchen is high tier with every latest operational device present . Great for cooking " ; the real estate woman said . 

" Hope you like it babe , cause I expect new recipes and food experiments to be done in here " ; Kiara mumbled to Aaron as the real estate woman kept on rambling about the house . 

Cooking was a foreign concept to Kiara . She didn't even know how to switch on the stove . And still , the couple have actually divided that part of work . Aaron cooks on Sunday , Tuesday , Thursday and Friday if he is home and Kiara cooks on Monday , Wednesday and Saturday . If by cooking you mean ordering takeout . She does help in marinating the chicken and experimenting with the marination recipes but Aaron will then have to take out every item she needs and place it in front of her and then she will do her job and then Aaron will have to do the rest like actually cooking or frying or baking the chicken or whatever she used . 

Being the only child of her dads , she was spoiled horribly growing up . 

" If you think I am letting you step a foot  in this fabulous kitchen , you're wrong . I can't have you experimenting in here .  " ; Aaron said to her as they followed the agent to the first floor . 

" Good for me " ; she shrugged . " But I still get to be in charge of the recipes " 

" Deal " 

Thy saw the first floor and the second floor , the second floor was more of a beautiful attic that was perfect for making forts and movie nights . The first floor had 4 bedrooms and the ground floor had 1 guest bedroom . The library was on the first floor and it was huge , the gym was on the ground floor but they both decided to tear it down and make it a playroom for the kids . 

They get enough amounts of exercise done out in the field . 

" We'll take it " ; Kiara said happily . 

After all the signing of the legal documents , the mansion was now officially theirs . Right next to Dave's . 

" I can't wait to have parties in here " ; Kiara said cheerfully . 

" Step by step . We gotta decorate first because the things we have in our house won't go with the vibe of this one " 

" Hmmm..... we also need to tell the kids " 


" We bought a mansion " ; Kiara said to her 10 and 3 year old as she picked them up from Garcia's apartment . 

" Like Uncle Dave ? " ; Jack asked . 

" Yep "

" Cool beans " ; Jack said happily . 

" So , what did you guys buy ? " 

" Garica bought mee a dwess ( Dress ) and a tiawra ( Tiara ) and prettwy ( Pretty ) pink shoes ! " ; Olivia said . 

" Its Garcia " ; Jack corrected her . 

" I got new books and a new game for my Ps5 " ; Jack replied . 

" Did you both thank her ? " ; she asked . 

" Multiple times mom " ; Jack said in a 'duh ' voice . 

" And we also had ice-cream sundaes and went on that horse merry go round at the park but Olive got scared so we came back to the apartment to watch Disney movies " ; Jack added . 

" It was fun " ; Olivia piped up . 

" Did you have  a good date ? " ; Jack asked Kiara . 

" Yes " ; she replied . 

" So , you guys excited to see our new house ? " 

" Yes ! " 

" Yes ! " 

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