Replicator Pt.2

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" Dr.Blake , Agent Jacobs , pleasure to meet you " ; Kiara said

She shook hands with Blake .

Aaron and Strauss along with Kate did the same .

" What was your relationship with Agent Harris ?" ; Kiara asked .

" He is my friend and was my supervisor " ; Alex replied .

" Did he have any enemies that actually posed as a threat ? ; Kiara asked .

" Loads actually,  but why are you asking me this ? " ; she asked .

" Agent Harris is dead "

" What ? When ? "

" Last night "

" But I talked to him last night ! "

" Did he say anything that could have indicated that he was in trouble or something ? "

" No , he was pretty normal "

" Dr. Blake , why don't you close your eyes and put yourself back in that situation and think hard "

Alex closed her eyes .

" He sounded a bit nervous and scared . I think he stuttered a bit ? " 

" That's okay . We can work with that . The other reason I called you here is to tell you that you may be the next target of the unsub . So , I suggest you remain in protective custody until we catch the unsub " 

" I can help " 

" Okay , great " 

" Hey boss , I found the man who bought the gun from the shop . I followed him for a few minutes but then he suddenly disappeared " ; Aram said . 

" He knows the position of the cctvs " ; Strauss said . 

" What was his last location before he disappeared ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" That is the creepy part . He was last seen in front of the FBI building , this one " 

" No , that can't be . Our agents would have reported seeing a man wearing a black hoodie " ; Kate said . 

" Not unless he had changed " ; Aram shrugged as he showed them the tapes . The man who was previously wearing a black hoodie had changed into normal clothes to blend in . 

" I think I know him " ; Blake said . 

" Was there anyone that could have held a grudge against Agent Harris ? " ; Aaron asked . 

" That list is really long Hotch " ; Blake said . 

" Yes but how many of them have blonde hair ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" I think I can name a few " ; Blake said . 

" That would be great " ; Kate said as she handed Blake a notepad . 

" The replicator used a fake name and  an address when he bought the gun . We sent Donald and a few other agents to check out the place but he said that he was long gone by then but there was  a note and that read - I will prove what you lost " ; Liz said as she walked in with Samar . 

" The drugs were a distraction . His real target is someone else " ; Samar said . 

" What I don't understand is why would he go after Dr.Blake . She retired , no connections with the FBI anymore " ; Aaron said . 

" Unless she isn't the target and just another distraction , like the drugs " ; Kiara said slowly . 

" Kate , where were you posted before this ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" Quantico " 

" I think I know what he wants " ; Kiara said . 

" What is that ? " ; Strauss asked . 

" The drugs was not only a distraction , it was a ploy to draw out all the supervisors out . Kate heads the intelligence unit of the FBI , Agent Harris led the whole blacklist division but I am in charge of my team just like Aaron is the unit chief of the BAU and you are the section chief . Think about it , the real targets ? We are the targets ! The replicator has a vendetta against us , the team leaders . This is someone who was maybe not allowed to join the FBI or was not allowed to join the BAU or the Blacklist team or Intelligence . And we just walked into his trap " 


" You need to go back to the hotel Kia " ; Donald said as I walked outside to the SUV with Kate and Aaron . 

" I know , but I can't . Donald take the list that Dr . Blake  and cross check the names with agents who applied to all three divisions of the FBI and get back to me . Somebody has to match " 

" I will get onto it " 

" Did we ever reject someone ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" A lot of agents apply . Not everyone can be taken in . I don't remember anyone - Oh God " ; Kate said suddenly . 

" What ? " ; Aaron and Kiara asked . 

" There was a man , a low-level agent whose reputation was damaged from a big event , he applied , blonde hair , he was a doctor of sorts , I think . He said he was Dr. Curtis " ; Kate said . 

Kiara went to take out her phone to call but the SUV in front of them blew up and threw all three of them backwards . 


" Kiara , Kiara ! " ; she could hear a faint voice calling for her . 

" Aaron " ; she whispered . 

" Yeah , hey " ; he said helping her sit up . 

" Your face " ; Kiara said touching the blood on his face . 

" I am fine " 

" Where is Kate ? " 

" Almost dead " 

" What ? " ; Kiara yelled as she stood up and nearly fell down . 

Kiara walked as fast as she could towards Kate and kneeled down beside her . 

" Kate , hey , your going to be okay " 

" Kiara , John Curtis . I rejected his application " 

Kate's phone rang and Kiara picked it up . 

" Three down , one more to go " ; a voice said . 

" Dr. Curtis , what do you mean by three ? " 

" Agent Harris , Chief Strauss and SSA Kate " 

" Chief Strauss ? " 

" yes , she is beside me , dying slowly " 

The call cut off . 

" One more to go . One more - Agent Lee !  " ; Kiara realized . 

" Get him " ; Kate said weakly before she went completely limp . 

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