Patching up

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The fear and hate for hospitals ran through all the members of the Hotchner family .  Except for Olivia . She was the only one indifferent . Which was a relief for her parents cause that meant that she never threw tantrums or fought against them whenever it was time to go to the doctor's office for a checkup . 

Aaron was scared the most . He almost died at a hospital after being stabbed and Kiara also had the same reason . So they both actively avoided walking through those ER doors . 

Present - 

Aaron quietly walked through the doors to the mansion they had purchased prior to their wedding and hung up his coat . 

He saw Kiara sleeping on the couch , FBI playing on the tv . He always wondered why she watched that show . Some of the things shown were so inaccurate that it made Aaron yell at the screen . But he knew the reason .  Kiara watched it because she had a huge crush on OA Zidan and Isobel Castille . He felt bad about waking her up given how tired she was but he had no choice . 

" Kia ? " ; he shook her . 

" What ? " ; she mumbled sleepily . 

" I have a few cuts on my face and arms " 

That got her awake within seconds . 

" What happened ? " 

" Unsub had a knife and we got the profile wrong . There were 2 unsubs , we profiled only one . I got in his way when he was about to stab JJ , instead he got my arm . Its just a little scratch " 

Kiara took a look at that particular wound . Thankfully , it didn't need stitches . The pressure bandages would work fine . The cut in his face needed to be disinfected and even the one on his lip . 

" Sit . Take of the shirt and just sit " ; she said before going to the kitchen to get the first aid kit . 

She came back and got out the disinfectant and the pressure bandages first . 

" This will sting so stay still " ; she said as he gently dabbed the cut with a cotton dipped in the disinfectant . Kiara offered her hand to Aaron for him to hold . At first he said no but then took hold of it . She chuckled as she applied the bandage . 

Next she worked on the cut on his forehead and then the lips . One hand on his cheek and the other applying healing cream on his forehead . After she was done , she kissed his cheeks and nose . 

" Feel better ? " ; she asked . 

" I do not . I would though if you kiss me on the lips " ; he pouted . 

Kiara narrowed her eyes playfully but obliged and pecked his lips . " Now ? " 

" Yes " 

She sent him to go change and heated up the takeout dinner and then handed him his plate and they both ate their food watching FBI and eventually falling asleep on the couch afterwards . 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now