Back Again ( pt 2 of the end of blacklist )

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Kiara Jacobs - Hotchner - 

" Mom , can you help me with this ? " ; Jack asked as Kiara asked for help while doing his homework .

" Sure Jack " ; she replied . 

It was transformation of sentences . " Remember the trick ? " ; she asked him . 

" Read more books to do these effortlessly " ; he said . 

" Exactly . I will show you one , you go over the rules of doing this , do it and then I will check it " 

" Thanks mom " 

" Hey buddy , can you do your homework in your bedroom . I need to talk to mom " ; Aaron said coming out of the kitchen . 

Jack nodded as he climbed off the chair at the dining table . 

" Have you decided ? " ; Aaron asked his wife . 

Kiara sighed . 

" Well , the CIA wants an answer by the end of the week and Interpol wants an answer by tomorrow " 

" What do you want ? " 

" The CIA offer seems more welcoming . I will be in the field and also take important decisions but with Interpol I will have to sit in an office and dictate orders . That seems wrong " 

" But ? " 

" But Reddington made a really good offer to me as well " 


Elizabeth Keen - 

" I hate paperwork " ; she groaned  .

" Get used to it Keen Bean " ; Derek chuckled . 

" Did you never do this much paperwork ? " ; Emily asked . 

" No . We did like one file and the rest we took it home , completed them in a span of a week " ; Liz said . 

" Kiara really lived up to that cool boss reputation " ; JJ said . 

" Do you guys have a plan to get back the division together ? " ; Garcia asked . 

" Yeah , yeah we do " 


Donald Ressler - 

" I know . I know . This task force is nice but I really miss being in Blacklist " ; he said over the phone to Kiara . 

" Okay . I will search it up Kia " ; he said before hanging up . 

" Reddington , you genius " ; Donald mumbled to himself as he read the case file in front of him . 


Aram Mojtabai - 

" We became domestic and boring from being badass and superspy types " ; Aram laughed . 

" I know but now , after months , we have a chance of bringing it all back together " ; Samar said . 

" I hope this works " ; he sighed . 

" It will , its Reddington and Kiara . They have been planning this for months " 


Samar Nawabi - 

" I know all about her dirty past . Trust me , we can pull this off " ; Samar said to Kiara . 

" Let the game begin " ; Kiara smirked . 


Raymond Reddington - 

" Agents , how wonderful to see you all " ; he beamed . 

" We have the stuff " ; Kiara said . 

" Marvelous . Your blacklister is called the examiner . He literally lives up to his name . He takes the family members of high officials hostage and with the help of a little tip I gave him the address of Linda Barnes house " ; Reddington smirked . 

" A little shake might help her . I mean , she is intelligent so when she sees the name of the blacklister , she will know who that is " ; Samar said . 

" The plan goes well " ; Donald said . 


Kiara -

" You are awfully happy today " ; Aaron commented. 

Kiara just smiled brightly .

" You wanna tell me why you are smiling like a cat when its 7:00 am . Why are you even up this early ? You are so angry when I wake you up at this time to go to work " ; he said .

" Something good is about to happen " ; she sighed happily.

Her phone rang . She picked it up .

" Hello , this is Kiara " ; she said .

" Kiara , this is Linda Barnes . I need you and your team's help " ; Linda said over the call .

" But our division is gone , so is my team " ; Kiara smirked .

" Then bring it back together and work the case . I will forward you the details and that's an order ! "

" But I don't even work for the FBI anymore. You fired me remember ? "

" Then as a member of the bureau , I am asking you a civilian to help me "

" Fine , I will get my team "

" What happened ? " ; Aaron asked .

" Our plan is working " ; Kiara said smiling as she sent a text in the group .
' We are in '


Kiara and her team had solved the case . Linda Barnes was reunited again with her family and The Examiner was dead .

Kiara called Linda aside and shoved the file in her hand .

" What is this ? " ; Linda asked .

" You fund organisations illegally to keep money coming to your end . You care only about politics Linda , I told you that . And in order to climb the ladder , you bribed people . I have all of their names and addresses and they will be willing to testify against you.  Plus , your son isn't really your husband's,  is he Linda ?" ; Kiara taunted her .

" What do you want ? " ; Barnes asked .

" The Blacklist Division reinstated , the charges lifted off of Reddington "

" You are threatening me to get back your division and help a criminal?  "

" That criminal is the reason your family is safe "

" Fine but you burn those documents "

" I will "


" THE DIVISION AND ALL TEAMS ARE BACK " ; Kiara cheered as she popped open the bottle of champagne .

" Who knew you would do something like that " ; Aaron said as he slung his arms around her .

" Sometimes you have to take the wrong way to change it into the right way " ; Kiara winked .

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