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Jealous Hotch would be so hot !!!!!........

" We need to go undercover  " ; Liz said .

" Dibs on me going with Ressler . I am not going as a Lesbian couple with Samar . She is a horrible girlfriend,  no offense . Won't even buy me a drink ! " ; Kiara said .

" We were on a job and your the boss , you know it , no drinking on the job ! " ; Samar argued .

" See ! "

" You will buy me a drink , right ? " ; Kiara asked Donald .

He nodded smiling .

" Great ! See , total gentleman "

" I still wonder how your engaged to Hotch . He is so serious and grumpy ! " ; Liz said .

" Opposites attract blondie " ; Kiara said .

" That was one time.  I was blonde for a day ! " ; Liz yelled .


" Alright , legs go over the plan one more time,  Donald and I are going in as a couple , Liz and Samar , your our backup . When I say Friends , you guys storm in with S.W.A.T . Aram and Garcia sill be doing their geeky stuff " ; Kiara revised .

Everyone nodded and Garcia did a mock salute on the computer screen .

Yes , they asked Garcia for help . Not that Aram wasn't capable but she was still there for extra pair of hands .

" Remember your name ? " ; Donald asked her as he handed Kiara her ear bluetooth speaker .

" Yep . Sandra Hope  and you're  Bill Young " ; she replied .

" Great ! "

Her and Donald entered the bar , his hands on her lower back as he gently guided her through the crowds .

Kiara's outfit ✨

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Kiara's outfit ✨

With that she had ankle length black boots . It was a high celebrity bar kinda place . Donald had a black suit with pants and white shirt on .

They reached the bar and Donald ordered her a drink as promised .

" Your the best fake boyfriend  " ; Kiara fake squealed .

" Thanks Kia . You see the guy ? " ; he asked her .

Sipping her drink she replied with a nope .

Both of them tried to blend in all the while trying to search for the blacklister .

" Guys , blue suit , 11'o clock " ; Aram said over the bluetooth speaker .

" Got it " ; Kiara said as she spotted the guy .

" We cannot march over to him " ; Donald said .

" I know . We are going to dance our way over to him "

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now