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" No no , head up , head up Kia " ; Aaron said frantically . 

She mumbled something incoherent before she started going into a seizure . 

" Kiara ! " 

2 hours earlier - 

" He is in that warehouse with lots of ammunitions and Garcia says that the whole place is booby-trapped so please be careful " ; Aaron said while he tightened the vest on Kiara . " Ar-Are you listening to me ? " ; he asked .

Kiara was busy scrolling through cat pictures on instagram on her phone .

" I am actually.  See , I can multitask baby boy " ; she sighed as she the phone on the seat of the SUV before closing the door .

" Repeat " ; Aaron demanded .

" Ammunitions and booby-trapped " ; she repeated with a small smirk .

" Phones are not allowed at crime scenes or at a raid . Its protocol " ; he said sternly . 

" That is for you darling . I make my own protocols , both for me and my team and trust me , the results are far better " ; she winked before kissing his cheek . 

He shook his head but had a small smile on his face . 

But today , it was just Kiara and the BAU . Her entire team was on vacation but she got stuck behind to complete paperwork . 

They all took out their guns and entered the warehouse and then eventually split up . The couple walked slowly together , searching for the unsub . 

Aaron accidentally stepped on a tile that went down . They both froze in place . Kiara suddenly pushed him away and stepped in his place just as multiple rods shot out of the wall and trapped her in place .

" Kiara ! " ; Aaron screamed as he got up from the ground . 

She looked down fearfully . The rods were protruding out , bloody and the blood loss was already heavy . Aaron called for backup and medical . 

" Aar " ; she whispered . 

The rods were sticking out through her shoulder , stomach , back and just above the heart . 

" Its okay . I know it doesn't look good but you're going to be fine " ; he said running his fingers through her hair . " Why did you move me out of the way ? " 

" As soon a-as u ste-step-stepped " ; she tried to speak . 

" Don't talk , don't talk . look at me . Please Kia " ; Aaron begged her , on the verge of crying . 

" Tired ' ; she said . 

" No no no , Hey ! you're not leaving me . So you better stay conscious ! " 

The paramedics and the team arrived simultaneously . The unsub had managed to escape but none of them cared about that . The team was horrified at the sight in front of them . 

The paramedics tried to cut out the rods but the vibrations from it caused her to scream out in pain . They couldn't move her anywhere with the rods but cutting the rods seemed impossible . 

The still tried to  cut as much as they could so that they could at least easily lay her down in the ambulance . 

" Aaron " ; Kiara cried . 

They were on the way to the hospital and the paramedic was inserting an iv into her arm . The rods were still in her body . The white sheets in the ambulance turned red . She kept on sobbing and the pressure from it was making her bleed even more . 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now