Wedding Series: Telling Everyone

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" I am scared " ; Aaron said stopping in the middle of the driveway abruptly .

" Now you know how I felt when we visited your mom and Sean " ; Kiara said .

They were at Reed Jacobs mansion driveway .

" Can you make sure Nathan doesn't have a scalpel anywhere in the house ? " ; Aaron asked .

" Papa  has multiple scalpels in the house  . For emergency no tine to go to the hospital procedures " ; Kiara smirked .

" God save me " ; Aaron mumbled .

" Its gonna be fine.  They won't kill you ! I won't let them . There , assured enough ? "

" Kind of "

" Come on hotchpotch , let's go announce our engagement " ; Kiara said excitedly running up to the front door with him .

" Careful with the wine and stop calling me hotchpotch " ; Aaron said grumpily .

Kiara dug out the key to the house from her pocket and opened the door . 

" Your favourite daughter is here with her wonderful boyfriend ! " ; she sang as she entered the house . 

" Your my only daughter " ; her dad smiled at her as he took the bottle of wine from her and patted Aaron on the back . 

" And hence I am your favourite  ; she smiled . 

" Come on in the kitchen guys . Your team is here Kia and Rossi is here . Him and Nathan have gotten along really well and they keep on talking in Italian . Something about and I quote ' questi americani non sanno fare l'autentica carbonara ' " ; Reed said . 

" Him and Rossi just said that us Americans don't know how to make authentic carbonara " ; Kiara said . 

" The audacity ! I have spent hours cooking that for him in the past ! " 

She just laughed and Aaron couldn't help but chuckle lightly . Her family was always very interesting . Kiara had adopted both of her parents personalities . 

They walked into the kitchen and were greeted by Kiara's team and her papa and Rossi . 

" What's the menu ? " ; Kiara asked as she sat beside Liz who handed her a wine glass filled with water . 

" No wine before dinner but you are free to pretend that the water is wine " ; Nathan said . 

" Caprese Salad with pesto sauce , Bruschetta , Pasta Carbonara , Margherita Pizza , Bouillabaisse , Mac and cheese and Tiramisu " ; Rossi replied . 

" Mac and cheese ! " ; Kiara squealed excitedly . 

" That is not for you . That is for Spencer cause he requested that and for Jack " ; Nathan reminded her . 

" Rude " ; she pouted . 

Jack was at another party of a friend and was going to be picked up by Spencer and then brought here . 

Soon , even Aaron's team arrived and Jack who ran straight and hugged Nathan and Reed and then made puppy eyes to his dad so that he would move and let him sit beside Kiara . Aaron lightly rolled his eyes as he moved and Jack sat between him and Kiara . 

Soon the food was out and everyone enjoyed every bit of it . 

Jack even let Kiara try just one spoonful of mac and cheese . 

After dinner everyone was served with the wine that Kiara had bought as they sat outside in the backyard . 

Kiara nudged Aaron . He took a deep breath . 

" We have an announcement " ; Kiara said standing up . When she realized that Aaron was still sitting she sighed , turned around and then dragged him to his feet . 

" Yeah , yeah , announcement " ; he said . He was sweating . Bad . Seeing him all flustered was kinda funny . 

" He is taking too long . He proposed , I said yes and we are engaged . Wedding's in December in Hawaii cause Jane will kill me if I don't have my wedding there " ; Kiara said happily as she showed off her ring . 

" Whatever she said " ; Aaron smiled . 

Both teams jumped up and congratulated him even Reed came forwards and hugged both of them . 

" Welcome to the family officially Aaron " ; he said . 

" Let's go talk " ; Nathan said gesturing towards the house . 

" Papa , nessun bisturi ! E non uccidere il mio fidanzato ! " ; Kiara warned him . ( TRANSLATION - Papa , no scalpel ! And don't kill my fiance ! ) 

" Non posso promettertelo " ; he winked . ( No promises ) 

Nathan and Aaron walked inside the house . 

" The ring is gorgeous " ; Garcia said jumping up and down . 

" I chose it penny " ; Jack said smiling . 

" Its beautiful Jack " ; Garcia smiled at him . 

Aaron and Nathan walked out 5 minutes later . 

" What did he say ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" He threatened me . Said if I hurt you he will hurt me in ways only a doctor can and then said welcome to the family Aaron " ; Aaron replied . 

" See ? No scalpels " ; Kiara smiled fondly up at him . 

What Aaron didn't tell her was that he had seen Nathan's scalpel collection and it was terrifying ! 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now