Firsts pt.2

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First kiss :

Four dates . Kiara and Aaron had been on 4 dates since their first one .

This time , she had invited him over to her house . She was in charge of making salads and drinks and appetizers while Aaron brought main course . Kiara had also made her favourite bowl brownie .

" I don't know how " ; she complained on the phone to Donald .

She was stressed about making the appetizer . She had no idea how to make it .

" Alright , calm down . Let's go over this from the beginning . Toast the bread , put the garlic chilli butter , top it with toppings "

" That's the problem . I don't know where I have kept what ! "

" You don't know which food items are kept where in your own house ? "

" Hey ! Don't judge ! I normally have takeouts for dinner "

" Search the cupboards. I swear we got prosciutto from when we went grocery shopping last time "

Kiara and Donald always went shopping together because he was the only one who could cook like a chef and knew what kind and quality of items to buy .

" Got it ! In the cupboard "

" Garlic butter ? "

" Also got it "

" Got herbs ? "

" Yup . In the fridge "

" Don't forget to wash them before using "

" Yes chef . Don't worry "

" Okay . I am gonna hang up . Good luck "

" Yeah , I need it " ; Kiara mumbled to herself as she placed her phone back on the table and got back to her bread .

The bell rang half an hour later and she skipped to the door to open it.

Aaron stood there with a big dish wrapped in aluminium .

She smiled and let him in .

" Everything is ready . Shall we eat ? " ; she asked him .

Aaron nodded .

She got the salad , appetizer and drinks to the table and they started eating .

After dinner both of them sat on the couch , cuddling each other .

They were watching a movie while Aaron ran his fingers up and down her arm .

She looked at him and leaned up a little.  He closed the gap between them by pressing his lips softly to hers . Kiara sat up to kiss him better and they were engaged in a full makeout session until they had to let go to breathe .

Once they had regained their breath , Aaron leaned down again to kiss her and she happily returned the kiss back .

" Well , your a good kisser Agent Hotchner " ; Kiara said as they leaned against their joined foreheads .

" Not so bad either Agent Jacobs "

" Kiss me again ? "

" I thought you would never ask "

They spent the next few hours occasionally kissing each other and watching the movie .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now