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Chapter 2: Marriage First, Love After: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (2)

    As soon as Lan Qiye entered the door, he saw coats scattered all over the floor.

    The newly married Xiao Linzi disappeared.

    The corners of his mouth curved, and an unidentified smile evoked. He stepped forward to pick up the messy tie.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the corner of his clothes under the cabinet door. Shi Shiran got up and walked towards the wardrobe.

    Cheng Ran, who was hiding in the closet, regretted it and couldn't escape.

    Why did he hide here? Instead, he lost the handle.

    I don't know if Lan Qiye would be angry or not @#¥%...

    Just as I was terrified, the cabinet door was pulled open from the outside.

    Cheng Ran immediately let out a scream.

    "What are you doing hiding here?" Lan Qiye looked down at him with a smile.

    Cheng Ran's mind was blank, and the words he said were spit out without thinking: "Hahaha, I'm playing hide-and-seek with you. I didn't expect you to find me so quickly. "

    Lan Qiye didn't expect Cheng Ran to be so eloquent.

    In his impression, Cheng Ran should be pretentious and would only sell poor green tea to men. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and stepped aside.

    Cheng Ran lowered his head and climbed out of the closet stiffly.

    "Don't play hide-and-seek in the future, I don't like this kind of mentally retarded game."

    Lan Qiye's sudden remark made Cheng Ran almost flinch, and he didn't dare to talk back when he was satirized.

    Now Lan Qiye's attitude towards him is fairly normal. Cheng Ran is as quiet as a chicken.

    When Cheng Ran was alone in the room just now, Cheng Ran was upset and took off his jacket when he was anxious. Now he was only left with a thin shirt with an open neckline.

    But as soon as Lan Qiye came in, Cheng Ran felt cold on his back as long as he met his eyes, and couldn't help picking up the clothes on the ground.

    Before he could bend down, Cheng Ran felt that his neck was suddenly touched.

    The fingertips that touched him were cold, like a tiny snake sliding over him, Cheng Ran sat down on the ground in fright, covered his neck, and looked up at Lan Qiye in horror.

    Lan Qiye didn't understand why he had such a big reaction. It was clear that when we met last time, he was very courteous to himself.

    But he didn't take Cheng Ran's anomaly to heart, the left and right were just pawns he used to discourage Lu Zhongfeng, and it didn't matter what Cheng Ran's attitude towards him was.

    "Get up and take a shower." Lan Qiye ordered.

    Cheng Ran hurriedly got into the bathroom, and only halfway through taking off his clothes did he realize what would happen after taking a shower, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

    But no matter how slow it is, there is always a time to take a shower.

    Cheng Ran dawdled in the bathroom for an hour, and finally had to come out wrapped in a bathrobe.

    ——He didn't want to either. He came in in such a hurry that he even forgot to take his pajamas.

    Cheng Ran clenched the placket tightly, and as soon as he went out, he saw Lan Qiye leaning on the head of the bed, with a wicked smile on his face, and hooked his fingers at him.

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