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Chapter 35 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (13)

    Cheng Ran carefully observed the change in Lan Qiye's expression.

    Lan Qiye naturally noticed, sneered, and threw the phone back: "It seems that I've been too good at talking during this time, and the Cheng family are so daring, they're gone."

    Cheng Ran immediately asked: "What do you want to do? Well?"

    "Does it have anything to do with you?" Lan Qiye mocked him, "Anyway, you are not the original Cheng Ran, they have threatened you, and you still want to intercede for them?"

    Cheng Ran quickly shook his head: "I just want to I don’t want to be harassed again.”

    Lan Qiye: “…”

    Cheng Ran added: “Of course, don’t cause any fatalities.”

    Lan Qiye scoffed, “It’s easy to make the Cheng family go bankrupt. , but are you not afraid that others will say you are unfilial?"

    Cheng Ran laughed and said, "I'm just a poor little linzi who was used to pay off debts. How can you influence the decision of the big president of Lan?"

    Lan Qiye: "...you think clearly."

    Cheng Ran sighed: "Actually last time Cheng Xiao came to me and asked me to steal Lan's secrets and destroy you. , I have already thought through it very clearly."

    "You can't break it," Lan Qiye pointed out the fact cruelly, "Your IQ is not enough."

    Cheng Ran was speechless.

    In fact, not only IQ, but also his courage is not enough.

    "So I don't need to worry about this matter?" Cheng Ran asked him.

    Lan Qiye thought about it for two seconds, then suddenly smiled, Cheng Ran laughed horribly: "No, you call him back and ask him what to do with the money, and remember to be a little flustered."

    Cheng Ran was puzzled: "Why?"

    Lan Qiye smiled and said: "The toys that were finally delivered to the door, of course, you have to play enough and then throw them away."

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    No matter how reluctant Cheng Ran was, he could only call Cheng Feng at the urging of Lan Qiye. Because the message was just received, Cheng Feng was probably guarding the phone, and he picked it up without two rings. Cheng Ran called out to Brother Sheng in a low voice.

    "Finally you are willing to pay attention to me, Mrs. Lan."

    Cheng Ran frowned at the maliciousness in his tone, and said with a flat mouth, "Where did you get that photo?"

    Cheng Feng said, "It's a coincidence, I happened to be shopping with Lili that day when I saw you with that man, I said little brother, you are too bold."

    Cheng Ran snorted noncommittally.

    Cheng Feng said: "And I think that person is very familiar, is it the one surnamed Lu who used to live next door to our house?"

    Cheng Ran said "um" and said, "It's Lu Zhongfeng."

    "I used to see it often . I thought you guys would be together." Cheng Feng pointedly said, "But it doesn't seem too late to rekindle the old love now?

    " He winked.

    Cheng Ran was speechless, turned on the speakerphone, and then continued: "The relationship between me and him is not what you imagined."

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