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Chapter 22: Marriage First, Love After: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (22)

    Cheng Ran followed Lan Qiye home.

    Lu Zhongfeng was still worried about him in the end, and watched him leave with concern on his face, but he couldn't stop him because of Lan Qiye's aura.

    Of course, even if Lu Zhongfeng opens his mouth, Cheng Ran will not go with Lu Zhongfeng. He can't involve his good friend, who has just established a relationship with his sweetheart, at least he can't do it. Pig mate.

    Cheng Ran didn't know how much Lan Qiye had heard.

    But just by looking at his expression, he knew that he definitely didn't hear anything, or he wouldn't look like he was going to kill someone.

    As for why Lan Qiye appeared outside the classroom so coincidentally, Cheng Ran blamed the dramatic effect. This is the world of novels. Even Lu Zhongfeng could fall asleep with Jiang Yousi because he drank the wrong thing. Lan Qiye would hear that. The key words are not surprising.

    Cheng Ran decided to play dead before Lan Qiye attacked.

    Very quiet along the way.

    It was like the quiet before the end.

    The car drove into the garage, Lan Qiye got out of the car first, then walked to the side where Cheng Ran was sitting, and opened the door.

    Cheng Ran's forehead hair was ruffled by the wind from the door, and his eyes were itchy. He subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed it, and heard Lan Qiye let out a sneer. Cheng Ran froze for a moment, put down his hand, and got out of the car quickly.

    Lan Qiye turned his head and left, Cheng Ran paused, but followed.

    Lan Qiye walked all the way to the study, and Cheng Ran followed with his heart beating wildly, and closed the door with his backhand. Seeing Lan Qiye sitting down on the sofa, Cheng Ran didn't dare to go over, but kept his back against the door, waiting for Lan Qiye's question.

    "Don't you have anything to say?" Lan Qiye crossed Erlang's legs and looked at him calmly.

    Cheng Ran lowered his head and whispered, "What do you want to hear from me?"

    Lan Qiye said, "What you said to Lu Zhongfeng, just repeat what you said to him."

    Cheng Ran wasn't sure if Lan Qiye was trying to trick him or not, so he simply shut his mouth and said nothing.

    Lan Qiye waited for a few minutes. Seeing that Cheng Ran refused to speak, he suddenly smiled: "Alright, since you don't want to talk, let me ask."

    Cheng Ran's heart tightened.

    "You want Lu Zhongfeng to go back with you, but Lu Zhongfeng doesn't want to. Where are you going back?"

    "You said that after you go back, you don't have to worry about living under perverted hands every day, you don't have to have children, and you don't have to worry about it. Killed, what do you mean?"

    "You say this is a fictional world, then me, and everyone else, are unreal?"

    He heard it all.

    A series of questions from Lan Qiye completely sentenced Cheng Ran to death, and Cheng Ran's last hope was also dashed.

    Cheng Ran looked at Lan Qiye in a panic, unable to pronounce a single syllable.

    Lan Qiye had no sympathy at all, and sneered: "I've already asked questions, why don't you answer them?"

    "...Everything is as you heard." Cheng Ran's expression was gray, "This world It's a novel I once read, I'm not the original Cheng Ran, and Lu Zhongfeng is not the original Lu Zhongfeng."

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