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Chapter 59: Gentle and obsessive love: Mr. Ba's sweet wife (15)

    The results of the monitoring monitoring also came out.

    It was indeed Ni Gantang who drove the little red car to try to murder Lan Qiye first, but Cheng Ran's car arrived later and ran over Ni Gantang. Although they disagreed with Cheng Ran's actions, the police didn't have much to blame for life-threatening matters. They just warned against being so impulsive in the future.

    Ni Gantang woke up with no other fatal injuries other than his head smashed and a few broken bones.

    After the attending doctor said that Ni Gantang could now be questioned by the police, the uncle of the police immediately entered the ward with a small notebook, and then withdrew within ten minutes, looking at him with a look that gave Cheng then a hairy back.

    "The suspect asked to see you, otherwise he won't explain anything."

    Cheng Ran's eyes widened blankly.

    Lan Qiye frowned and disagreed: "How can you ensure that Cheng Ran will not be hurt after entering?" The

    policeman said: "He has a fractured right leg and a broken rib, so he can't get up at all. But if you don't worry about it. If so, we can fix him on the bed with a medical restraint belt to completely block the danger."

    Lan Qiye was still reluctant.

    Cheng Ran agreed, he ignored Lan Qiye's disapproving gaze and explained: "I really want to know why he wants to kill you, and he has been injured like this now, even if he wants to hurt me, he has to see if he wants to fight or not. It's better than me." Anyway

    , Lan Qiye finally agreed, but he turned his phone to recording mode when Cheng Ran entered the ward.

    Cheng Ran knew his intentions, so he was afraid that Ni Gantang would not tell the truth in the future, and this one-on-one conversation is very likely to make Ni Gantang relax his vigilance and explain all the causes and consequences clearly.

    Due to excessive blood loss, Ni Gantang's face was as pale as paper.

    He was lying on the hospital bed, with a layer of gauze wrapped around his head and a neck brace, his right leg was hung high, and there were wounds of various sizes on his face. Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, he couldn't move his neck, so he turned his eyes to look at him, his eyes completely out of touch with friendliness.

    It was obvious that the other party should have no lethality at this moment, but Cheng Ran was just caught in a cold sweat by him.

    "Please sit down." Ni Gantang withdrew her gaze.

    Cheng Ran touched the phone through his clothes, which was completely subconscious. He pulled the chair beside the bed, it seemed that the police uncle had sat there just now, and Cheng Ran didn't sit down until he pulled the chair to the corner.

    The corners of Ni Gantang's mouth curved, but there was no smile at all: "Why should you be afraid of me, it's difficult for me to even sit up now."

    Cheng Ran said with a cold face, "It is necessary to guard against others."

    Ni Gantang did not continue, he glared The ceiling seemed to be in a daze, until Cheng Ran couldn't help but want to speak out, and he finally said: "Cheng Ran, you shouldn't be the original Cheng Ran."

    Cheng Ran was hit by a hit, and his heart seemed to be A small hammer slammed hard and almost stopped.

    Although I had already guessed that Ni Gantang is not the original product, unlike Erdan, Ni Gantang is not his partner. Strictly speaking, it should be more appropriate to call him an enemy, so Cheng Ran inevitably panicked when the enemy revealed the secret at first glance. .

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