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Chapter 17 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (17)

    Cheng Ran's ability to self-regulate his mentality is not bad.

    Although the incident at the Qingfo Temple left him with a lump in his heart, when he woke up the next morning, he was no longer unhappy, but confidently thought about other feasible ways to return home.

    However, because he skipped class yesterday, Cheng Ran was entangled by the monitor's sister as soon as he entered the classroom.

    He analyzed the consequences of skipping classes for him earnestly, saying that if there is really an emergency, you should ask for leave first, and said that she will not pursue it this time, but she must notify in advance next time.

    Cheng Ran originally thought that Yang Qiaoyi was enthusiastic and a competent monitor, but now he is very annoying.

    It's just skipping a class. He doesn't care whether the teacher will call names or deduct points. She is an outsider who talks so much. Does she think he's humiliating the class by skipping class?

    But Cheng Ran had something hidden in his heart, so he didn't have time to talk to her, so he said absent-mindedly, "I know, I will ask for leave next time."

    "You can't be proud just because you rose from Yuan Xing," Yang Qiaoyi said. Feeling that his attitude was not correct enough, he reluctantly said, "Although you are the only student who has been recommended by the professor in the past few years, there are many outstanding students in our school, and arrogant soldiers will lose. If you want to stand out here, It still takes a lot of effort."

    Cheng Ran's thoughts were interrupted again and again by her, and finally his face turned cold: "I'm busy right now, can I ask you to talk later?"

    "You!" Yang Qiaoyi didn't expect her kindness to be treated as a donkey's liver and lungs. She had been the monitor for more than a year.

    And where is this guy busy, he has been playing with his phone all the time!

    She probably didn't know that someone would unconsciously swipe their phone when they were upset, but in fact, she didn't see anything.

    Cheng Ran let Yang Qiaoyi stand at the table, did not let her go down the steps, and even turned her back to look at the wall and did not want to look at her.

    Yang Qiaoyi was sullen.

    Just then, a male voice sounded from the back door of the classroom.

    "Xiao Ran, you're here."

    Cheng Ran turned around, and it was Jiang Qin who hadn't seen him for a while. The last time he met was at the school celebration party.

    Jiang Qin walked up to him and sat down with a smile. He said nothing: "I wanted to come to you yesterday, but unfortunately you skipped class and couldn't find anyone."

    Cheng Ran wondered, "What are you looking for me for?"

    He remembered Your attitude of refusing before should be considered very bad, right? As a result, Jiang Qin helped him out at the last party, and today he took the initiative to find him. Could it be that Jiang Qin is actually a shaker?

    Jiang Qin smiled and said, "I'm here to find you to join the club."

    Cheng Ran: "?"

    Jiang Qin said: "I seem to have told you before that I joined the drama club, and I just became the president this year. Since you have transferred from different schools before, I sincerely invite you to join our club."

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