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Chapter 8 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (8)

    Cheng Ran was stunned for two seconds before asking, "What does the rehearsal have to do with me?" The

    little follower hesitated and said: "You have a show, you have been absent from the previous rehearsal, this is the last time, if you don't go, I will give it to you. The director's team caused trouble."

    Cheng Ran's face froze: "Are you kidding me, when did I sign up?" The

    little follower had to take out his mobile phone and show him the program list.

    I saw that at the back of the list, his name "Cheng Ran" was written impressively, followed by four characters - piano solo!

    "Are you sure it's not the same name and surname?" Cheng Ran still didn't believe it.

    The little attendant shook his head.

    Cheng Ran was about to say something, but Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of someone looking here. When he looked over, he saw Fang Qiyuan pretending to be chatting with the people next to him, and his eyes swept here subconsciously.

    Shit, it's nothing.

    Cheng Ran was annoyed, and returned the phone to the valet: "What did he ask you to do?"

    The valet was still stubborn: "It's obviously you who reported it yourself."

    "Okay, I reported it myself." Cheng Ran was cold Hmph, "Can the show be canceled?"

    "Yes, but..."

    "But you're too big, just cancel it for me, or be careful, I'll report it to the class guide, and you won't be able to eat and go!" Cheng Threat.

    The little follower almost didn't cry.

    One is Fang Qiyuan, the other is Cheng Ran, he is really too difficult.

    "Wait a minute!" Seeing that the valet was about to leave, Cheng Ran temporarily changed his mind again, holding him back and said, "I don't need you anymore, I will be there for tomorrow's rehearsal, and I will go and tell the director in person."

    Watching the valet return Arriving at Fang Qiyuan's side, Cheng Ran pondered for a moment, then picked up his schoolbag and left without even finishing the class.

    Fang Qiyuan had been paying attention to Cheng Ran's side from the corner of his eyes, and when he saw him leave in a "frightened" manner, he immediately showed a smile of successful conspiracy.

    The little follower said anxiously: "What if he really goes to complain to the class instructor?"

    Fang Qiyuan rolled his eyes at him and said, "You will be fine with me here." The

    little follower's credibility to his words Be skeptical.

    He thought about it, but still said: "Why don't I go talk to the director, we really treat him like this..."

    "Yo, pity him? Why did you go earlier?" Fang Qiyuan sneered, "Don't worry, just take it easy. Cheng Ran's scumbag, I know very well, he has no ability to perform on stage. Even if he goes to explain the situation to the director tomorrow, but he has no evidence, he will only leave a bad impression on the director's team, go back on his promises, and give such an important It's not bad that the school doesn't punish him for the school celebration." The

    little follower pursed his lips and stopped talking.

    But he said that after Cheng Ran left the school, he went straight to the nearby musical instrument store.

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