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Chapter 44 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (22)

    What happened after that was no suspense.

    Rescue teams arrived in the evening and took everyone to a nearby hospital for treatment.

    But to Cheng Ran's surprise, Lan Qiye was the fastest runner, but he was not the one who was the least injured. In addition to the trauma, Lan Qiye's hand was injured due to excessive force, and the injury was aggravated. When the bone fracture was reached, the doctor immediately put a plaster on it.

    Cheng Ran felt even more guilty now.

    Even with Lan Qiye's request for feeding, he agreed without hesitation.

    Except for the fracture in his right hand, Lan Qiye had no more serious injuries. As for Cheng Ran, who was protected by Lan Qiye's best efforts, he only suffered minor abrasions, and he didn't even move the fetal air. Cheng Ran couldn't help feeling this. What an iron boy.

    For the two wounded, it is obviously impractical to squeeze a single bed.

    Cheng Ran struggled for a while, but decided to take Lan Qiye to the hotel to open a standard room, where the two of them could sleep separately without interfering with each other. Lan Qiye didn't agree, he waved his hand and directly replaced the standard room with a big bed room.

    Cheng Ran was speechless.

    When it was time to take a bath, Lan Qiye unexpectedly began to act like a demon.

    "My right hand is injured. It's very inconvenient to take a bath. If the plaster gets wet, the wound will become inflamed."

    Cheng Ran said, "If you want me to wash it for you, just say it."

    Lan Qiye nodded rudely: "You It 's good to understand."

    Cheng Ran rolled his eyes: "You're embarrassed to actually send a pregnant woman to work."

    Lan Qiye said confidently, "How can this be called work? It's obviously a boudoir affair. ), you really don’t understand the style.”

    “I warn you,” Cheng Ran threw a towel on his ass, “I won’t do it with you in the bathroom.”

    Lan Qiye was stunned for a moment, then righteously said: “What are you thinking about? , you are still pregnant with a child!"

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    Co-authoring or is his mind unhealthy?

    Cheng Ran was so angry that he slapped Lan Qiye's arm with a towel.

    If it were someone else who dared to be so cowardly, Lan Qiye would have been picked up and thrown out of the window long ago, and it would have been Cheng Ran, Lan Qiye had been slapped and grinned like a scumbag, and the character set would have no idea what happened. place to go.

    As for the bathing process, due to Jinjiang's increasingly obscene urination, I won't go into details.

    It is impossible to be plain, and it is impossible to be plain in this life.

    Please imagine for yourself.

    Lan Qiye sat beside the bed and asked Cheng Ran to blow his hair. Cheng Ran agreed without a word. He first covered Lan Qiye's head with a towel, rubbed it back and forth like a dog, rubbed Lan Qiye's hair into a hedgehog, and then blew it with a hair dryer to make a chicken coop for Lao Gong. .

    Lan Qiye caught a glimpse of the corner of the full-length mirror, his face darkened, and he grabbed Cheng Ran's wrist.

    Cheng Ran said innocently, "What's wrong?"

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