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Chapter 55 Gentle and obsessive love: Mr. Ba's sweet wife (11)

    "I feel like I'm an old mother now, and my heart is broken for my son and son-in-law."

    That night, Cheng Ran lay on the bed after taking a shower, looking at the ceiling and sighing.

    Lan Qiye came over with the hairdryer: "Get up and dry your hair."

    "What do you think about this matter?" Cheng Ran sat up and took the hairdryer from his hand.

    "I have no opinion." After Lan Qiye finished speaking, Cheng Ran glared at him, "This is someone's housework, not to mention that you are just Lu Junfeng's friend, even if you are his father, you can't interfere too much in this regard. Except for the parties involved, no one can make a decision about emotional matters."

    Cheng Ran actually felt that what he said was very reasonable.

    From an intellectual point of view, as Erdan's friend, he can be his most solid backing, but it is indeed inconvenient to point fingers at his feelings. But emotionally, he really couldn't help it! That scumbag Jiang Yousi actually left Erdan to go abroad when he was pregnant. Although the original intention was good, the damage to Erdan was also real.

    Lan Qiye rubbed his damp hair, and said displeasedly, "Since Lu Zhongfeng had a relationship problem, you have stayed with him for three words, aren't you afraid that I will get angry?"

    Cheng Ran was stunned, and hugged his arm in a funny way. Waist, coquettishly said: "I know you are generous, so you won't be angry."

    Lan Qiye looked at the wet pajamas on his stomach, and said coldly: "No, I will be angry."

    Cheng Ran looked up at him: "Then you Are you angry now?"

    Lan Qiye's Adam's apple moved, and after a while, he said, "Blow your hair first."

    Although Cheng Ran's hair was longer than Lan Qiye's, it wasn't long after all, and it was quickly blown dry.

    Lan Qiye pushed his finger against his shoulder gently, and Cheng Ran fell on the bed - he saw Lan Qiye's eyes, it was the rhythm of making flowers.

    In fact, it has been almost four months since the last real thing.

    Lin Dao, which appeared temporarily because of pregnancy, closed automatically as early as the third day after giving birth, that is, after the blood was drained. Cheng Ran actually felt a little pity. After all, it was the last three months when he and Lan Qiye studied Lindao. At that time, he was afraid of hurting the child and only used his hand.

    Cheng Ran was lying on the bed obediently, but Lan Qiye didn't pounce directly as before.

    Cheng Ran tilted his head and saw that the other party took out a small box from the bedside table. After a closer look, he found three very familiar words written on it. He was surprised: "Didn't you say you don't wear condoms before?"

    Lan Qiye said: "One child is enough, even if you want the second one, it shouldn't be now."

    Of course Cheng Ran didn't want the second one. , and I won't want it in the future, because it's too painful. But he was still puzzled by Lan Qiye's self-consciousness, and tentatively said: "Actually, I can also take medicine..."

    Lan Qiye frowned and said, "Don't you know that taking medicine can hurt your body?"

    Cheng Ran said deliberately : "Then you didn't insist on wearing it before."

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