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Chapter 37 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (15)

    When Lan Qiye came home from get off work, he casually called Cheng Ran.

    As a result, Cheng Ran slept soundly and didn't hear it. Lan Qiye was uneasy, so he directly located his cell phone, found Lu Junfeng's apartment, and happened to meet Jiang Yousi, who was returning home, in the garage.

    As rivals who used to be incompatible, the two simply greeted each other when they met, and then stood at both ends of the elevator in unison, and went upstairs in silence. Jiang Yousi knew that Cheng Ran was coming to play with Lu Zhongfeng today, but he didn't know that the two of them stayed at home for a day, so he was very puzzled by Lan Qiye's behavior behind him, but he didn't say anything to chase people away.

    Then, the moment the door was opened, the two old men were dumbfounded.

    The living room is directly opposite the apartment door, and the scene inside is unobstructed.

    Cheng Ran was resting on Lu Zhongfeng's lap, and Lu Zhongfeng's hand was casually placed on Cheng Ran's chest. The two of them snored and slept soundly.

    Even though he knew that Lu Zhongfeng was a linzi and was pregnant, Lan Qiye still felt a strong sense of unhappiness.

    Jiang Yousi is no exception. Although he has always shown himself to outsiders with a gentle and refined image, only he knows how strong his inner possessiveness and jealousy are.

    Jiang Yousi immediately walked towards Lu Zhongfeng.

    Lan Qiye also followed behind, walked to Cheng Ran's side and squatted down, and carefully lifted him up from Lu Zhongfeng's body.

    Lu Zhongfeng slept a little lighter than Cheng Ran. He felt the movement on his legs and immediately woke up, but his mind was not fully awake, his eyes were extremely blank, and when he saw Jiang Yousi standing beside his head, he still showed A smirk: "Are you back?"

    Jiang Yousi didn't smile at all: "Yeah."

    Lu Zhongfeng's brain hadn't started working yet, so he didn't feel Jiang Yousi's different attitude at all.

    He rubbed his head and got up, just in time to see Lan Qiye holding Cheng Ran up and turning around to leave. Lu Zhongfeng was stunned for a while, subconsciously wanting to stop the person, but when he moved his body, he hugged his leg and cried out in pain.

    Lan Qiye left without looking back.

    Jiang Yousi squatted down and asked, "What's the matter?"

    Lu Zhongfeng said with a grim expression, "My legs are numb, it must have been pressed by Ranran for too long."

    Jiang Yousi rubbed his legs for him without saying a word.

    Lu Zhongfeng leaned his head back on the sofa, his face wrinkled in discomfort, but he did not dodge until his right leg regained consciousness.

    "I'm very happy today?" Jiang Yousi suddenly asked.

    "Yeah." Lu Zhongfeng said, "I don't... I don't have many friends, so the relationship with Ranran is the best. He is like my family. I am very relaxed with him, and I don't have to worry too much. , you can do whatever you want."

    Jiang Yousi said, "What about me?"

    Lu Zhongfeng was taken aback: "You?"

    Jiang Yousi nodded and said, "Yes, when you are with me, can't you ? Are you relaxed?"

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