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Chapter 9 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (9)

    This accident was unexpected.

    Cheng Ran was dizzy by the echo of the microphone, and was still a little dazed for a while.

    Fortunately, the host came to the rescue in time after many battles, and said that the sound effect equipment may have failed, and I am very sorry for the bad viewing experience brought to everyone.

    Lan Qiye frowned under the stage, and after a while, got up and left the audience.

    The host was still talking nonsense in front, and the staff in charge of the program contact called Cheng Ran aside.

    I don't know what's wrong with the control room, the solo performance is not long, and it will be a waste of time to cut out the accompaniment again. Cheng Ran listened to what he meant and asked him to interrupt the performance, let the host drag the show for a few minutes, and then directly let the next show play.

    Cheng Ran felt a little uncomfortable hearing this.

    He glanced to the side distractedly, just in time to meet the panicked look of the little valet, while Fang Qiyuan, the leader of their group dance, was missing.

    A dark guess arises spontaneously.

    Cheng Ran frowned and interrupted the staff: "I can play without the accompaniment music, but if you want to change the song, three minutes is enough, okay?" The

    staff was a little embarrassed.

    At this time, the director of the party came over, and beside him was Jiang Qin, who annoyed Cheng Ran.

    "Cheng Ran is not responsible for this matter, and he should not bear the consequences."

    If this happened to Jiang Qin at ordinary times, Cheng Ran would definitely turn around and leave, but at this moment Jiang Qin was obviously speaking for him, and Cheng Ran didn't want to. I owe him favors, and I can't refuse his kindness. Jiang Qin was still able to speak at the film school. As soon as he opened his mouth, the director did not object. After all, Cheng Ran's performance was really brilliant, and he had no reason to disagree.

    Cheng Ran came back on stage.

    The microphone had been adjusted, and Cheng Ran held onto the microphone without any stage fright.

    "I'm really sorry, there was something wrong with the accompaniment just now, and now the performance continues. However, it may be a little strange without the accompaniment of my song, so after discussing with the director, I decided to change it. This song was composed by myself. It's very suitable for solo."

    "Please enjoy below - "To Joseph", a birthday song dedicated to my friend."

    When Cheng Ran said the name, a certain audience in the audience showed a strange look.

    When the melodious piano sounded, Lu Zhongfeng couldn't sit still, and was about to stand up from his chair in excitement, but Jiang Yousi pressed his arm in time and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

    Lu Zhong The ecstasy on Feng's face eased slightly, and he whispered back: "Wait for Cheng Ran to finish the performance later, you can accompany me to the backstage."

    Jiang Yousi glanced at the boy who was showing off on the stage, and clicked the button. head down.

    Compared with the dynamic pop music just now, although the current birthday song is not as cheerful as it is, the rhythm is obviously a lot slower, but it still makes the audience fascinated. In fact, this piece of Cheng Ran was written for the good friend of the original world. At that time, the friend was in a period of depression, so Cheng Ran wrote a piece of music for him, hoping that he could cheer up a bit. Today is just one of the passages. .

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