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Chapter 33 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (11)

    If Cheng Ran knew about Lan Qiye's inner drama, he would definitely be wronged.

    He wanted to refuse, but could he refuse? He was most afraid of pain, so he didn't want to abuse his heart and then abuse his body, and it was really cool to be with Lan Qiye in moderation.

    Well, people always have to learn to have fun in the midst of suffering.

    With dark circles under his eyes, Cheng Ran said nothing, groping for clothes.

    Still Lan Qiye couldn't hold back, grabbed his shoulder and said, "Don't you have anything to say?"

    Cheng Ran couldn't hear his inner drama, and shook his head indifferently: "No." Woke up in the morning and starved to death, what can I say.

    Lan Qiye held back, but couldn't hold back: "Why didn't you reject me last night?"

    Cheng Ran looked at him in surprise.

    Could it be that the Great Demon King recalled what he had done to himself from the inside out last night, felt dirty, regretted it, and disliked it? Come on, it's not that he forced him to do that! He didn't blame the big devil for causing him to have a spring dream all night!

    "You'd better ask yourself first, why would you be so embarrassed to do such a thing." Cheng Ran clapped his first hand angrily and got out of bed.

    I felt dizzy as soon as my feet landed, probably because I was too hungry.

    Cheng Ran vaguely felt that someone was pulling him, and when he held his head to overcome the dizziness, he noticed that he had fallen into Lan Qiye's arms. The expression on Lan Qiye's face was very strange, a little worried, but also a little angry.

    Lan Qiye hates himself, so he is subconsciously nervous about Cheng Ran.

    This cognition is as if the most ferocious beast has discovered a fatal weakness in itself. Although outsiders still don't know it, the hidden danger of this weakness makes the beast itself repel it.

    Cheng Ran was quite unhappy at first, but after seeing Lan Qiye's uncertain attitude, he didn't dare to provoke him easily, so he finally had to hold back half of his stomach and get out of bed to wash.

    Lan Qiye sat on the bed for a while, then fell back silently.

    Cheng Ran didn't pay attention to him anymore, and immediately went downstairs after brushing his teeth, ready to comfort his hungry body with a delicious breakfast.

    Aunt Li served the breakfast and noticed the blue-black and ruddy complexion in his eyes, she couldn't help but ask, what happened between Cheng Ran and Lan Qiye these days, how could Lan Qiye be so big? fire.

    Cheng Ran silently took a bite of the bread, pretending to be deep.

    It is obviously unrealistic to tell the fourth person other than Lu Zhongfeng about the matter between him and Lan Qiye, and Aunt Li is Lan Qiye's person after all, if I hear that he is at odds with Lan Qiye , If he wants to leave, ten times will ask him to the end, and then persuade him not to be petty and live a good life with Lan Qiye.

    Don't listen to this.

    The first time Aunt Li saw Cheng Ran's indifferent appearance, she secretly sighed, knowing that this time the matter could not be solved easily.

    Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly.

    Aunt Li went to answer the door. Having learned the lesson from last time, she first asked the other party's intention on the video call interface.

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