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Chapter 48 Gentle and obsessive love: Mr. Ba's sweet wife (4)

    But after coming to the home court, Cheng Ran found that he had no time to worry.

    Those old bosses and wives kept leaning in front of them for some reason. As soon as they opened their mouths, they mentioned the show of affection on the screen. They praised Lan Qiye as a peerless man. Cheng Ran's marriage to him was a great blessing. They are a match made in heaven, and they are deeply in love.

    After sending off wave after wave, Cheng Ran was exhausted.

    "It's all your fault, you can solve it yourself, I'll take refuge." Cheng Ran went to the small corner with the food after finishing speaking.

    Lan Qiye wanted to follow, but it happened that an old couple blocked his way. The other party was a more important partner of Lan's business. Lan Qiye couldn't ignore it, so he had to delay.

    Cheng Ran felt a little urgent to urinate after eliminating the cake. I don't know if it was because of the growing belly, which was putting pressure on the bladder. The number of times he woke up at night had also increased a lot recently, which greatly affected his sleep. Cheng Ran glanced at Lan Qiye and found that he was still chatting with others, so he didn't call him, and followed the sign to find the bathroom.

    When he saw the oncoming person, Cheng Ran's expression froze. Sensen felt that he should learn a lesson and would never act alone at a reception in the future. Every time it was bad!

    Cheng Feng did not expect to meet Cheng Ran on a narrow road.

    He was stunned for a while, and said yin and yang strangely: "Yo, long time no see."

    The man beside Cheng Feng asked curiously, "Who is this?"

    Cheng Feng said with a smile, "My brother, Cheng Ran.

    " It's your brother, I have long admired your name." The man smiled and said, "But Xiao Ran doesn't look like you, but he looks much better than you, Cheng Feng."

    Cheng Feng sneered: "What's the use of being good-looking, man The important thing is inner beauty."

    Cheng Ran also asked unceremoniously, "Isn't my inner beauty not beautiful?"

    Just as Cheng Feng was about to answer, the man beside him suddenly clapped his hands: "Ah, I remembered, and said why you look so familiar! One of the grooms who was on the screen of the XX building two days ago was you!"

    Cheng Ran: "..." Damn.

    Cheng Feng also remembered it, and meant something: "No, my younger brother can fascinate the chief executive of the Lan family." The

    man teased: "Then your family will be going to heaven together."

    Little did he know that his words just touched Cheng Feng's pain, Cheng Feng's face was pale, and Cheng Ran couldn't help laughing out loud.

    Cheng Feng was sullen and blurted out: "Don't be complacent, where else can you see other than this face!"

    Cheng Ran confronted each other: "Where else do you want to see besides your face?"

    "Yes, besides Xiaoran's face, what else can you see? Where do you want to see?" Lan Qiye unexpectedly appeared at the other end of the corridor.

    Cheng Ran couldn't help but wonder about his timely appearance every time. Could this guy be the roundworm in his stomach? Or put an antenna on him?

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