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Chapter 30 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (8)

    Lan Qiye hugged him and walked a distance to the other side before letting go.

    Cheng Ran saw the light again, and his first reaction was to look in the direction just now, but there was a large group of people there, and they couldn't see anything, but Lu Junfeng followed him with a drink.

    Cheng Ran looked at him speechlessly: "Why are you still holding this cup, waiting for a drink?"

    Lu Zhongfeng said stupidly: "Didn't you say you wanted to take it for testing?"

    He just said it casually. , Now that Ni Gantang has been stunned, the follow-up development is not something they can intervene. Recalling the crisp sound, Cheng Ran couldn't help looking at Lan Qiye.

    Lan Qiye looked away, not wanting him to see the worry in his eyes, and

    said lightly, "Are you okay with your waist?"

    The hit just now was really not light, and even the stomach swelled and felt uncomfortable, but Cheng Ran didn't pay much attention to it, and rubbed it casually and said, "It's okay."

    Lan Qiye didn't seem to pretend that he was really pretending. This is relieved.

    The authorities were fascinated by the bystanders, and Lu Zhongfeng looked at this for a while and looked at that. Sensen felt that his forehead was emitting 50,000 volts of light, and trotted away with a drink on the pretext of going to Jiang Yousi.

    The matter on Ni Gantang's side was almost handled.

    Lu Nanshan came over to apologize to Lan Qiye: "I'm really sorry this time, the hotel manager didn't expect this new waiter to do such a thing. But don't worry, I'm fully responsible for this matter, and I will never do it. It 's easy to let him go."

    It's no wonder Lu Nanshan, but what happened in the Lu family, not only to Lan Qiye and Cheng Ran, but also to the other guests.

    Ni Gantang dared to make such a scene at Father Lu's birthday banquet, it would definitely not end well.

    Cheng Ran was not yet conscious. Although Ni Gantang's performance was very different from the original setting, he still believed in the aura of the other party's protagonist, so that when Lu Zhongfeng later told him that Ni Gantang had been dropped out of school, he still couldn't believe it.

    "This is unscientific."

    "Why is it unscientific?" Lan Qiye asked casually while sitting while reading the newspaper.

    Cheng Ran also chatted with him very smoothly: "Ni Gantang is the protagonist, how could he be dropped so easily?" Anyway, after the identity was revealed, there was nothing to take into account in this regard.

    Lan Qiye said: "The protagonist is also a human being. As far as I know, the protagonist you are talking about has no background, right? It's not a matter of minutes for the Lu family to kill him."

    "But he is the protagonist!" Cheng Ran said, "Just a moment. If the child is lost, can he still be called the protagonist?"

    Lan Qiye said casually, "Maybe he is not the protagonist at all."

    Cheng Ran was stunned.

    "Dare to openly provoke the majesty of the Lu family, and still drug the so-called Young Master Sun of the Lu family on such an important occasion. I don't think such an intelligent person can be the protagonist."

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