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Chapter 38 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (16)

Cheng Ran's first reaction was anger.

This dog man dared... and then his anger died suddenly, because Cheng Ran realized that this was not Lan Qiye's style.

A big villain like Lan Qiye, who goes his own way, will never cheat secretly. If he wants to empathize or break up with two boats, he will choose to use an upright method. It is not impossible for his original partner to be mad.

Cheng Ran was deeply embarrassed for his own perception, and then silently closed Weibo, out of sight and out of mind.

What is the specific situation? I won't know when Lan Qiye comes back and asks.

But doing nothing in his spare time would inevitably lead to wild thoughts. Cheng Ran took out the violin that he hadn't touched for almost a month and started playing it.

But what he didn't expect was that the violin had just made a sound, and Xiao Hui, who was squatting quietly in the corner of the sofa, suddenly stood up alertly, and when he looked closely, even his hair was slightly blown up. Xiao Hui is seven months old and was sterilized not long ago, and has just recovered in the past few days.

Cheng Ran looked at Xiao Hui for a few seconds in confusion, then raised his hand and pulled the bow.

At the same time as the violin made a crisp sound, Little Gray's tail trembled, almost jumping off the sofa and slipping on the stall.

Cheng Ran: "???"

It turns out that Xiao Hui is actually afraid of the sound of the violin?

He had never played the violin in front of Xiao Hui before, and when he saw it, he was both surprised and curious, and he pulled it twice in disbelief. Xiao Hui stepped back again and again, turned his head and ran away. Cheng Ran paused for a moment, then quickly chased after him viciously and continued to pull.

One person and one cat actually chased and escaped like this, playing hide-and-seek in the villa.

This is true hide and seek.

The layout of the Lan family is destined to have no gaps, and Xiao Hui can only hide under the table, behind the vase, where he can easily be caught. Cheng Ran was not too tired, and his left and right stomachs were not large, which did not affect his normal activities at all.

So much so that when Lan Qiye came home, he saw Cheng Ran pouting his butt and digging under the coffee table, not knowing what he was doing.

Aunt Li happened to be passing by, and she said, "Madam has been playing with the cat all afternoon."

Lan Qiye: "..."

Lan Qiye walked over and kicked Cheng Ran's ass with his toes.

Cheng Ran shook his waist and climbed up from the ground carefully, turned his head to see Lan Qiye, and subconsciously smiled, "You're back."

Lan Qiye's expression softened involuntarily: "What are you playing with cats?"

Cheng Ran got up, showed the violin in front of him, and said with a smile: "You don't know, Xiao Hui is actually afraid of the sound of the violin. I chased it and ran away, and then it was fried. It's so fun."

Lan Qiye hugged him. He sat back on the sofa and said helplessly: "You are so active, what if you hurt your child?"

"It shouldn't be, the doctor said to exercise more." Cheng Ran made a move like a bodybuilder, Touching the muscles that didn't exist on his arm, he said, "I'm measured."

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