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Chapter 16: Marriage First, Love After: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (16)

    The interpretation of the signature is very simple and easy to understand.

    To put it simply, although the fate in the past was not very good, it is now a time of health and wealth, and the relationship with the family will become more and more smooth.

    At first glance, it seems to be a good meaning, but Cheng Ran always felt that what he was asking for was a bit out of tune, so he still went to the old monk who understood the sign. The explanation given by the old monk was similar to his own understanding.

    "Looking at the face of the donor, it must have been married."

    Cheng Ran was stunned and said in surprise: "Indeed, how did the master know?" The

    old monk chuckled: "The donor Po Junxing is located in the husband and wife palace, which belongs to early marriage and early childbirth. Although the spouse has a tough personality and is not easy to compromise, it usually takes a lot of running in. However, the donor's children's palace is rich, and he will be full of children and grandchildren in the future, which is gratifying."

    Cheng Ran's head was full of black lines: "Master, I didn't come to ask for this." The

    old monk smiled unchanged: "What does the donor want to ask for?"

    Cheng Ran said, "I want to know, can the thing in my mind come true?" The

    old monk paused, Twisting his beard, he said, "Please, please write down a word."

    Cheng Ran saw the four treasures of the study on his right, glanced at the old monk uncertainly, picked up the pen, and wrote the word "hui", quite In order to embarrassed handed it to the old monk.

    Seeing his words on the side, Lu Zhongfeng couldn't help snickering.

    Cheng Ran glanced back at him.

    It's not his fault that the calligraphy is ugly! He was not trained since childhood.

    The old monk was very calm, didn't show any strangeness, and analyzed it seriously: "The structure of this word is uneven, there is no foot stop, and the thickness of the brush is different, which is not a good sign."

    Cheng Ran suddenly became nervous.

    "Catch Si in the Yuan, seek fish in the mountains, from morning to evening, donate your merits and deeds, change your ways, and you can do everything." The old monk sighed and said earnestly, "The previous ones were like death yesterday, and the future ones are like being born today, and holding on to it. If you don't change it, you will only see it's stupidity, and the donor should be careful not to make the same mistake, and change it quickly."

    Cheng Ran: "...Ah?" I didn't understand.

    The old monk said: "This is all the old man said, please ask the donor to consider it yourself. The next one!"

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    Cheng Ran was asked by the little novice from the chair with a confused look, and walked to the side, He turned his head and asked Lu Jifeng, "What did the old monk mean just now?"

    Lu Jifeng didn't understand either, and was checking on his phone now.

    "On the Internet, it is said... If you go in the wrong direction and use the wrong method, it is difficult to achieve success. You should change your course and find another way, or you may succeed one day." Lu Zhongfeng read out what he found word by word, " Does it mean that the path you are taking now is fundamentally wrong? Does it mean that you shouldn't find a way to...cough?"

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