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Chapter 34 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (12)

    After getting up the next day, Cheng Ran continued to argue with Lan Qiye, went downstairs alone, bought a new mobile phone at breakfast, went back to the room to install a SIM card, called Lu Zhongfeng, and was called out to Lan Qiye by the other party.

    Thinking carefully, he hung up the phone in embarrassment. When he went downstairs and wanted to continue eating, he found that Lan Qiye had eaten his breakfast. His stomach hurt so much that Lan Qiye hurriedly took him to the hospital.

    Cheng Ran no longer felt pain halfway through.

    But instead, his stomach began to ache, as if accusing him of ignoring his hateful behavior.


    Cheng Ran's hand, which was covering his lower abdomen, was changed to covering his stomach, and he called to stop.

    Lan Qiye ignored him and continued to drive forward.

    Cheng Ran endured it for a while, only to feel more and more stomach pain, much worse than the previous stomach pain, and called Lan Qiye twice, but could not get a response, and finally had to give up and lie down in a ball. In the seat, finally relieved some of the throbbing pain.

    The hospital is coming soon.

    It was still the private hospital he had been to before, Lan Qiye hugged Cheng Ran, skipped the registration and queuing, and found the doctor who diagnosed Cheng Ran last time, and asked him to examine Cheng Ran's body. Cheng Ran was so pained that he had no strength, thinking that Lan Qiye would not listen to him anyway, so he just resigned himself to being silent the whole time.

    After a series of examinations, the doctor stood by the bed with the report.

    Cheng Ran was lying on the hospital bed, pressing his stomach reluctantly.

    The doctor said: "The child is very healthy, but the pregnant woman has low blood sugar."

    Lan Qiye said: "But he had a stomachache just now."

    "It's probably caused by mood swings. Just be careful in the future." The doctor glanced at Cheng Ran, "Is Mrs. Lan's appetite still bad? No matter how bad it is, she still needs to eat a little bit. You can't make fun of your body. I'll give it to you first. You can open a bottle of glucose."

    He had such a good appetite that he couldn't bear that someone wouldn't give him something to eat.

    Cheng Ran looked at the doctor pitifully, and suddenly burst into tears: "I don't have a bad appetite, he didn't give me food." He pointed at Lan Qiye accusingly as he spoke.

    Lan Qiye: "..."

    Doctor: "..."

    Lan Qiye angrily said, "When will I stop feeding you?!"

    Cheng Ran shrank his neck and looked pitiful: "This morning, you I've run out of bread and milk."

    Lan Qiye: "..." The

    doctor coughed dryly: "Mr. Lan, is Mrs. Lan a pregnant woman..." The rest of the words were blocked by Lan Qiye's cold eyes. .

    Cheng Ran relied on the fact that he was in the hospital, and he was much more courageous. Although this doctor didn't seem to be able to fight against Lan Qiye, he had the confidence to have a large number of people. He directly grabbed the doctor's white coat, and only grabbed one corner of his clothes very deliberately. With his pale face, he became more delicate and pitiful: "Doctor, I don't want to hang glucose, I want to eat." The

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