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Chapter 43 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (21)

    Cheng Ran had the urge to push the rice on his head.

    But thinking that this meal was made hard by myself, in the end, I didn't give up and said "I love it or not".

    Lan Qiye ate what he had in his hands, and then ran directly into the kitchen to eat with a pot. It was very likely that he would kill himself and not let Assistant Lin take advantage of it.

    Cheng Ran was stunned for two seconds, and then rushed over to stop it: "Leave some for me!" The

    last two people wiped out the three-served egg fried rice, Cheng Ran felt a little relieved, and burped while holding his waist.

    Lan Qiye also supported it, but he didn't say it.

    Cheng Ran laid Ge You on the sofa for a while, only to feel that food was about to come out of his throat. Lan Qiye did his part to follow him as a little tail, but it was not a coincidence when he went out, and he met Guan Ju who came out to throw garbage.

    Cheng Ran smiled awkwardly at him, while Lan Qiye glared at him fiercely.

    Guan Ju pouted and turned to let them get off first.

    Lan Qiye put his arm around Cheng Ran's shoulder domineeringly, regardless of whether the narrow stairs could accommodate two people walking side by side, and he was determined to show his ownership. Cheng Ran's pace was one step faster than him, and after being kicked for the fourth time in his butt, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, and pushed Lan Qiye's arm away and walked by himself.

    After the two walked aimlessly for ten minutes, Cheng Ran remembered Lu Zhongfeng.

    Cheng Ran didn't think that the key information was leaked from Lu Zhongfeng, but only thought that since Lan Qiye found it, he still had to report to his good friends, saying that the plan was a complete failure.

    Lu Zhongfeng finally answered the phone this time, and immediately asked him how he was doing now and whether he had been domestic violence.

    Cheng Ran subconsciously swept Lan Qiye's bandaged hand, coughed dryly, "No."

    Lu Zhongfeng was worried: "This is unscientific, when did the Great Demon King put down his butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the ground?"

    Cheng Ran said speechlessly: "You actually expect me to be beaten, right?"

    Lu Zhongfeng felt wronged: "How could I be such a person! Forget it, you don't really plan to accept your fate like this and go back with him. Right?"

    Cheng Ran glanced at Lan Qiye again, wanting to speak from a distance.

    But as soon as he opened the distance, Lan Qiye caught up and got closer, as if he was afraid of running away. No way, Cheng Ran had to cover his mouth with his hand and said in the smallest voice, "I won't go back for now, but he has confessed to me, and I decided to give him another chance."

    Lu Zhongfeng was stunned, and immediately cheered: "Yes! Give him a good toss!"

    Having said that, after the call was over, Lu Zhongfeng still had an unreal feeling that the villain in the original book who started killing every word of disagreement was conquered by Ranran like this? Of course, in the last life, the earth must have been saved.

    "Thinking about Cheng Ran again?" Jiang Yousi was a little uncomfortable.

    "Yeah, he and Lan Qiye made up." Lu Zhongfeng paused for a while, and suddenly said excitedly, "In this case, we should really come to travel this time. Alas, what happened before made me a mess. I have a headache, and I don't have time to spend time with you two, this time I finally came out, but I can't waste it any more."

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