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Chapter 28 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (6)

    The bed in the second bedroom is on the side facing the door.

    If Cheng Ran lay down properly, at most he would be seen from the side. But Cheng Ran was lying on the bed, exaggerated, not covering the places that shouldn't be exposed at all, and not panicking from the cold.

    It can be said that in Lan Qiye's field of vision, it is unobstructed.

    Lan Qiye stared blankly for two seconds before he realized it, and immediately closed the door with his backhand.

    Cheng Ran was also awakened by the sound of the door closing, so he quickly got up, wrapped his lower body with the quilt, blushed, and lowered his head to face no one.

    The corner of Lan Qiye's mouth twitched, and he let out a low smile.

    Cheng Ran's head dropped almost to his chest.

    "It's really special, how did you think of welcoming me in this way?" Lan Qiye teased.

    "It's not, it's not." Cheng Ran wanted to cry without tears, "I just, it's just that there is a teat on my butt, and it hurts a bit, so I want to take a picture to see what's going on."

    "Oh?" Lan Qiye asked. Mei, "I took pictures, let me see."

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    Lan Qiye said: "No, I don't need to look at the photos, just look at the real thing."

    Cheng Ran: "!!!"

    Cheng Ran hugged the quilt tightly and watched in horror as Lan Qiye pressed towards him step by step, and then failed to resist, was forcefully pulled off the quilt, pressed on the bed, and checked it carefully.

    "Strange, no acne." Lan Qiye let go of his hand regretfully.

    Cheng Ran was so ashamed and angry that he quickly wrapped himself into a silkworm chrysalis with the quilt, and even shrunk his head into it.

    "...This is the photo you took."

    Lan Qiye's inaudible voice sounded above his head, Cheng Ran was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his head to look, only to see the phone that he had just thrown away in a panic just now. It fell into Lan Qiye's hands, and the other party still watched with relish.

    "Give it back to me!"

    Cheng Ran rushed over.

    Lan Qiye was afraid that he would fall, so he quickly hugged him. Cheng Ran, disregarding that he was still naked, lay in Lan Qiye's arms and quickly deleted the photo.

    "It's not like I haven't seen it, so what?" Lan Qiye said deliberately, "And I didn't see pimples in the photos, are you lying to me?"

    Cheng Ran collapsed and shouted: "I was wrong. I'm wrong!"

    God, kill him with one knife.

    Lan Qiye saw that Cheng Ran was about to cry, and then he stopped his mouth still, and saw Xiaohui squatting at the foot of the bed out of the corner of his light, watching the whole process of the two people's bed movement, and raised his hand to drive away. Xiao Hui stretched and jumped out of bed without a word.

    Cheng Ran quickly put on his pants and tried to pretend that nothing happened.

    Lan Qiye didn't hold on to this matter. Standing beside the bed, he said casually, "This weekend is the 80th birthday of Mr. Lu, and we will be there at that time."

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