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Chapter 5 Marry First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (5)

    Cheng Ran didn't know how the Wang family had offended Lan Qiye, and he didn't want to know either.

    He was holding his schoolbag and was about to go upstairs when Lan Qiye stopped him: "Stop, why do you run away when you see me?"

    "I-I was in class for a day, and I was sweating, I'm afraid it will smoke you. "Cheng Ran sneered.

    "Come here." Lan Qiye hooked his fingers at him.

    Cheng Ran always felt that this action was like recruiting a dog, but he still walked over reluctantly. Before he could speak, he saw Lan Qiye took out a small white bottle from under the coffee table and put it on the table.

    Cheng Ran glanced casually, and the next second, the blood all over his body almost froze.

    Hastily...how did the contraceptive pill he bought appear here? ! Cheng Ran's face turned pale, and he didn't even dare to ask Lan Qiye if he had gone over to his room, thinking that he was finished.

    "Why buy this?" Lan Qiye's tone was calm.

    Cheng Ran tried his best to keep his voice from shaking: "Just... I'm still a student, I don't want to have children so early. Besides, I want to spend a few more years with you, brother Lan."

    Lan Qiye Flutteringly said: "Really."

    Cheng Ran nodded vigorously, paused, and then added forcefully: "Of course, if Brother Lan wants a child, I won't eat it in the future!" That's weird.

    "That's why you asked me to wear a condom before." Lan Qiye looked at him with a half-smiling smile, and Shi Shiran said, "Don't be so nervous, I don't blame you until Cheng's back was soaked in cold sweat. , I just don't want children for the time being, you can take this medicine back and continue to take it, eat more, and I'll ask someone to buy it after I finish eating."

    He handed the medicine bottle over.

    Fuck, such a big bottle, eat more? Do you want to kill me?!

    Cheng Ranqiang took back the medicine bottle with a smile, and after getting permission from Lan Qiye, he fled back to the room in a panic. He was glad that Lan Qiye didn't take him for surgery on this matter, and he felt that the other party didn't take him as a human being. No matter how mild the contraceptive pill was, it would still hurt the body. Lan Qiye had never thought about wearing a condom at all. Just let him continue to take medicine.

    Perhaps at the bottom of Lan Qiye's heart, he didn't even plan to let him have children, after all, he was just a pawn used to discourage Lu Zhongfeng.

    Cheng Ran sighed and put the medicine bottle back on the bedside table.

    The next few days, the bottle of medicine did not come in handy.

    Cheng Ran was at ease. He went to school every day, but when he got home, he didn't have to have dinner with Lan Qiye every day, and he slept in separate rooms at night. Uncle Liu is kind and Aunt Li is kind, except that every time he sees Lan Qiye, his heart rhythm will be irregular for a while, Cheng Ran's small life is not bad.

    In the blink of an eye, Cheng Ran had been in this world for a week, but he still had no idea how to go back.

    Cheng Ran has collected a lot of information on the Internet, but most of them are fictional two-dimensional works, and very few of them can actually be used - the most mysterious and feasible one is actually looking for a fortune-teller. .

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