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Chapter 21 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (21)

    Cheng Ran fainted.

    This is a psychological problem, but it will not be solved by changing the body.

    But he didn't faint for a long time. When his consciousness returned, Lan Qiye was sitting on the single sofa beside him and asked Uncle Liu to bandage his wound, while Cheng Ran himself occupied the entire sofa.

    Cheng Ran covered his eyes subconsciously and asked in a low voice, "Has the bleeding stopped?"

    Uncle Liu sighed, "The wound is a little deep, sir, you should go to the hospital for stitches."

    Lan Qiye said indifferently, "A little injury. Forget it, what hospital to go to."

    Cheng Ran was even more afraid to take his hand off, trembling: "Let's go to the hospital, if the blood flow does not stop, it will affect your health."

    "Worry about me?"

    Lan Qi Ye moved the fingers of his right hand and was held down by Uncle Liu: "The blood hasn't stopped, don't move."

    Lan Qiye pouted.

    Actually no, Cheng Ran shouted in his heart, he just didn't want to see blood again!

    But the only way to tell the truth is to be killed, Cheng Ran endured the bloody nausea and said, "Yes, you are injured because of me, of course I..." The voice stopped abruptly.

    Cheng Ran was stunned.

    He suddenly remembered that Lan Qiye was stabbed by the knife just because he raised his hand to block him, and the direction of the courier's attack was clearly him!

    So, it was really Lan Qiye who blocked the knife for him!

    The big devil actually blocks the sword for others? Cheng Ran felt as if something had pricked his chest, and his heart was numb.

    Lan Qiye didn't wait for the next sentence, and continued: "You are right, I was injured because of you. Before my injury heals, you will be responsible for my diet and daily life."

    Cheng Ran immediately felt calm, Mu Ran said, "Oh."

    The wound was finally bandaged, and the bleeding barely stopped. Lan Qiye turned around the injured arm and continued: "I hurt my right hand, first of all three meals a day, you have to feed me, and take a bath. And getting dressed..."

    Uncle Liu interrupted him ruthlessly: "Sir, it's best not to touch your hands with water for three days."

    "Then just wipe yourself away." Lan Qiye changed his request very happily, "But You have to be careful, if I'm not satisfied, you can't stop. Last point, don't you know how to play the violin? To make me feel good and help the wound heal, you have to play the violin to me every day , the song can't be repeated." The

    more Cheng Ran listened, the more wrong he felt, but he didn't dare to refute Lan Qiye's words, and silently obeyed.

    More importantly, he didn't have the energy to bargain with Lan Qiye.

    I don't know if it's his psychological effect. Even though Lan Qiye's wound has been treated and Uncle Liu has cleaned up the bloody cotton and a series of utensils, he can always smell the bloody smell in the air. , causing a tumult in the stomach. He wanted to vomit very much, but he was afraid that Lan Qiye would misunderstand him and dislike him, so he didn't dare to be too obvious.

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