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Chapter 27 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (5)

    This is the first time Cheng Ran has taken the initiative in more than two months.

    Lan Qiye was afraid of hurting him, so he didn't dare to make big moves the first two times, it was really tormenting. This time, however, he found a new way, a way to make Cheng Ran happy without having to hold him back.

    At half past seven in the morning, Cheng Ran was still asleep.

    Lan Qiye got up early, and a phone call made Lu Zhongfeng quarrel from the bed.

    "Who is it?" Lu Zhongfeng's voice was hoarse, obviously he didn't wake up, and he probably didn't even look at the caller ID, otherwise it wouldn't be this kind of ignorant tone.

    "Me, Lan

    Qiye." Lu Zhongfeng was instantly frightened, and got up from the bed: "What are you doing?"

    "What did you say to Cheng Ran yesterday?" Lan Qiye asked.

    Lu Zhongfeng became nervous: "What's wrong with him?"

    Lan Qiye said calmly: "It's nothing, but he suddenly became very active last night."

    Lu Zhongfeng: "..."

    Lu Zhongfeng said indifferently "However, take the initiative, isn't it?"

    "It's good." Lan Qiye chuckled lightly, making Lu Zhongfeng horrified, "So how was the progress yesterday?"

    Lu Zhongfeng said with trepidation, "I I slammed it in and out, but there seems to be some signs of softening, but I haven't told him about his pregnancy, I'm afraid he won't accept it."

    Lan Qiye did not expect that Lu Zhongfeng and Cheng Ran would have such an effect after only one chat. It was rather unpleasant, and after a long while, he said, "I understand, you will try harder." After that, he hung up the phone.

    Lu Zhongfeng couldn't guess whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied, and held the phone in an uneasy way.

    "Is it Lan Qiye?" A very gentle voice sounded from his side.

    Lu Zhongfeng came back to his senses, put the phone on the bedside table, got back into the quilt, squinted and smiled: "Well, but it's alright, let's continue to sleep."

    Jiang Yousi smiled: "Wake up When you wake up, it would be a waste of time to go back to sleep."

    Lu Zhongfeng was stunned for a while, but Jiang Yousi had already raised his upper body and turned towards him.

    Cheng Ran slept until noon.

    He was startled when he picked up his phone and looked at it. Speaking of which, he has been waking up naturally lately lately. Could it be something wrong? Like narcolepsy or something.

    Cheng Ran got out of bed clutching his hungry stomach, washed and went downstairs to find something to eat.

    Fortunately, Aunt Li was at home, so I could prepare whatever I wanted to eat right away. Cheng Ran now eats Aunt Li's special nutritious meal almost every day - but he didn't notice it himself - at this moment, he ate a piece of bread to eat, and sat obediently at the dining table while playing with his mobile phone while waiting for the meal.

    Lan Qiye was not at home, so he probably went to the company.

    Cheng Ran didn't care much about Lan Qiye's whereabouts, but during this period of time, he got along almost day and night, and he was not used to seeing each other at first glance.

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