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Chapter 13 Marry First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (13)

    "Didn't you say you don't have dinner?"

    Lan Qiye closed the door with his backhand, and walked to the bed with his arms folded.

    Cheng Ran hurriedly took out the cucumber in his mouth, got out of bed, and kept a safe distance from Lan Qiye: "This is the fruit after dinner, which is helpful for digestion."

    Lan Qiye glanced at the plate on the bedside table: "I want So much digestion?"

    Cheng Ran laughed: "Yes, I ate too much during the day."

    Lan Qiye said, "Speaking of which, I did feel a little heavier when I hugged you last night, so it's time to lose weight."

    "... Cheng Ran touched his nose, "I haven't eaten dinner now."

    Lan Qiye said, "But you're still eating cucumbers."

    Cheng Ran said so perverted that he didn't even let him eat cucumbers?

    Lan Qiye smiled softly: "Why don't you stop eating from today, eat a few cucumbers every day, and then resume your normal diet when you lose weight."

    Cheng Ran stared at him in disbelief.

    Does eating cucumbers every day want to starve him to death? This guy is definitely taking revenge on what happened to him and Lu Zhongfeng yesterday, absolutely!

    Lan Qiye stood still, not at all feeling how unreasonable his request was.

    But Cheng Ran didn't dare to resist, he was still feeling guilty because of what happened last night, and even felt that Lan Qiye's just not letting him eat was a very light punishment, so he had to accept it silently.

    Lan Qiye did what he said, and Cheng Ran didn't have a hot meal for two days on the weekend.

    Lan Qiye specially asked Aunt Li to go out to buy a basket of cucumbers, and when he went to the table to eat, he let Cheng Ran sit across from him, with chopped cucumbers on the plate, just sprinkled with a little salt. That's okay, but Lan Qiye made a lot of requests in the past two days, and he just asked Aunt Li to make a big table of delicacies from mountains and seas, and he didn't care if he couldn't finish it.

    Cheng Ran chewed the cucumber in his mouth, his eyes almost turning green.

    But whenever he wanted to stretch out his chopsticks to sneak a piece of meat, Lan Qiye's chopsticks would hit the back of his hand with lightning speed.

    Cheng Ran was slapped a few times, and he didn't dare to stretch out his chopsticks any more.

    Aunt Li looked distressed and said, "Sir, what are you doing?"

    Lan Qiye smiled and said, "Xiao Ran said he wants to lose weight, so I'm supervising him."

    Aunt Li said, "That's not a piece of the puzzle . You are not allowed to eat meat, your body will collapse if you go on like this."

    Lan Qiye said, "This is what Xiaoran asked me to do. He feels that he lacks self-control, and I hope I can strictly supervise him and never give up until he loses weight successfully. Isn't that right, Xiao Ran?"

    Cheng Ran nodded with a smile: "It's good to eat cucumbers, it's good..."

    In his heart, he was crazy about the big devil.

    Hmph, it's only these two days that perverts can torture him. When I go to school tomorrow, let's see if he doesn't take the school cafeteria into chaos!

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