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Chapter 15 Marry First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (15)

    Cheng Ran paid the price for his mouth again.

    Lan Qiye didn't know what kind of stimulation he was getting, so he pressed him on the dining table, so excited that he wanted to tear down the table.

    After it was over, Cheng Ran could barely feel the presence below the waist, and was hugged by Lan Qiye on his lap, pecking at his lips one after another, as if he was tasting some delicious food.

    There is still a sweet and sour taste in the mouth, which is the culprit of sweet and sour pork.

    Cheng Ran drooped his eyelids and looked tiredly at the half-box of sweet and sour pork left, thinking that this should be the second food after cherries that has left him in the shadows.

    "Stop kissing, you'll break the skin again."

    Cheng Ran's lips were numb, and he weakly blocked Lan Qiye's mouth.

    Lan Qiye's movements paused, but he really didn't kiss him anymore, but he still didn't put Cheng Ran down from his body.

    Cheng Ran was at peace, leaning on his shoulder, his eyelids twitching, and he was drowsy.

    Lan Qiye squeezed his leg, but failed to wake Cheng Ran, instead he let him cling to him, shrank into his arms, and rubbed his forehead coquettishly on his neck.

    Cheng Ran relied on his subconscious actions, just because he was sleepy and stupid.

    But I don't know how many waves splashed on Lan Qiye's heart.

    Lan Qiye originally wanted to call Cheng Ran to get up and go back to the room, but at this moment he was suddenly unable to speak, he hesitated for a moment, then picked him up and went upstairs, leaving the restaurant in a mess.

    Cheng Ran's eyelids finally failed to overcome the sleepy bug, and he slept in Lan Qiye's arms, not knowing what year it was today.

    Woke up early the next morning.

    It was a little scary to see Lan Qiye's profile as soon as he woke up. Cheng Ran couldn't remember how he got back to the room, so he didn't dare to ask. Lan Qiye dragged him back into his arms, bowed his head and kissed him.

    For ten minutes, Cheng Ran almost died of breathlessness.

    After the kiss, Lan Qiye squinted and smiled at him: "Good morning."

    Cheng Ran covered his chest and breathed frantically.

    "Kissing turned out to be quite comfortable." Lan Qiye started to move his mouth again, "It's sweet."

    Cheng Ran was unlovable: "That's the taste of sweet and sour pork last night..." After a

    pause, he said in a sullen manner: "Speaking of which, I didn't brush my teeth last night and this morning."

    Lan Qiye: "..."

    Lan Qiye silently stopped.

    Cheng Ran watched Lan Qiye get out of bed and walked into the bathroom without saying a word, but felt very puzzled. Why didn't I remember that Lan Qiye loved his family so much before?

    ……wrong! They never kissed at all!

    Cheng Ran suddenly remembered the contact he had with Lan Qiye over the past month or so. Although the two of them had done the most intimate things, it seemed that they really... indeed... did not kiss.

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