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Chapter 32 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (10)

    Cheng Ran realized what he had done when the water dripped down from the top of Lan Qiye's head.

    Although he didn't understand why Lan Qiye didn't hide, the inherent impression of the Great Demon King still made Cheng Ran instinctively retreat. Just as Lan Qiye opened his eyes, the two leaves on his hair did not damage the murderous aura in his eyes at all, Cheng Ran was so frightened that he turned his head and stepped on the broken porcelain.

    Even if you haven't changed your slippers, it's probably not enough to go on this foot.

    Lan Qiye's eyes flashed, and he grabbed the person back into his arms with lightning speed. Cheng Ran struggled, but his hands were easily pinched by the other's hand. On the sofa, looking down condescendingly.

    Cheng Ran was tired of waiting for the trial.

    It was a glorious death to die, he tried his best to widen his eyes, staring directly at Lan Qiye's eyes without dodging or dodging.

    Lan Qiye saw anger and fear in these clear eyes. This seemed to be the first time he had looked at Cheng Ran so seriously. The pent-up anger in his chest had disappeared for the most part, and the remaining half had disappeared. , and was drowned out when Cheng Ran's tears silently overflowed.

    So embarrassing.

    Cheng Ran thought to himself, to cry at such a tense moment, it would destroy his morale!

    Cheng Ran still wanted to hold on, but after the tears came out, it seemed that the grievances that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time were brought out. But he still didn't want to lose his momentum, puffed up his cheeks and tried to keep his eyes wide open.

    God knows how hard it took him to grit his teeth and keep himself from crying.

    Aware of his soft heart, Lan Qiye was so aggrieved that he almost vomited blood. He really wanted to strangle the little bastard in front of him who had hurt him again and again, but he couldn't do it.

    The two looked at each other silently for a long time.

    Cheng Ran managed to hold back the tears, cleared his throat, and said, "Let go of me."

    Lan Qiye ignored him, still holding his wrists and not letting go.

    Cheng Ran knew that he was not his opponent, so he didn't waste his energy, just pretended that the two arms were not his own, twisted his neck, faced the inside of the sofa, and didn't look at Lan Qiye.

    Lan Qiye also froze and did not write.

    "Aunt Li!" He suddenly shouted loudly, "Clean up this place."

    Aunt Li, who was hiding in the corner with Uncle Liu, hurried out and carefully cleaned up the broken pieces of porcelain. Although she grew up watching Lan Qiye grow up, she is not his elder. She was able to say a few words in the small quarrel before, but now the quarrel is big, she does not have the qualifications and courage to enlighten, otherwise tomorrow Gotta pack up and go.

    Uncle Liu and her are naturally the same.

    Lan Qiye's hair was still wet, and in winter, even if the heater was turned on at home, it couldn't resist the coolness that invaded his scalp. There wasn't much water in the vase, but it was enough to wet Lan Qiye's neckline.

    Lan Qiye closed his eyes, suddenly got up, and pulled Cheng Ran up together.

    Without saying a word, he picked up Cheng Ran and strode upstairs. Aunt Li, who was hesitating whether to send a towel or not, was relieved to see that, as long as the husband was willing to take the initiative, everything would be easy to say.

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