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Chapter 10 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (10)

    The original owner could be cut open mercilessly after he was pregnant with his child. Now that they have only been married for a month, Lan Qiye may be even less merciful towards him.

    The top ten torture scenes had already appeared in Cheng Ran's mind.

    But he was terrified and frightened all the way, Lan Qiye didn't attack, but after operating on his mobile phone for a while, he closed his eyes and rested, not getting angry, and did not return the mobile phone to him.

    When entering the door, Lan Qiye strode ahead.

    Cheng Ran followed behind like a suffering little daughter-in-law.

    Uncle Liu and Aunt Li were welcoming the two in the living room. They thought that the husband would take the initiative to watch his wife's performance, and the relationship between the two should be sublimated, but they didn't expect to see such a picture when they came back.

    Did the two quarrel?

    Lan Qiye took the lead to go upstairs, Uncle Liu pulled Cheng Ran from behind, and asked quietly, "Did you make Mr. angry?"

    Cheng Ran showed a pitiful look and said, "It seems to be, but I don't know where it is. He was angry, he was irritable since he got in the car, and then he just ignored me."

    Cheng Ran made up his mind and pretended to be stupid to the end.

    And before he received the news from Lu Zhongfeng, he really didn't know where he touched Lan Qiye's inverse scale.

    Uncle Liu listened and smiled awkwardly. His temper has always been not very good. He originally thought that it would improve after marriage, but now it seems that he thinks too beautifully.

    Aunt Li had a good impression of Cheng Ran. She didn't want to see him being wronged. Hearing this, she immediately went to the kitchen and brought out the washed cherries: "Go and deliver this, Mr. loves to eat."

    Cheng Ran was worried . Said : "Is this useful?"

    Aunt Li comforted him and said, "A dead horse is a living horse doctor. There is no overnight feud between husband and wife."

    In other words, it was fate.

    Cheng Ran didn't want his life to be too difficult, so he had to go upstairs with the fruit plate.

    Standing at the door of the master bedroom, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

    It took a while for Lan Qiye to say "Please come in", Cheng Ran pushed open the door and carefully poked his head in.

    "Come in quickly if you want to." Lan Qiye said impatiently.

    Cheng Ran was agitated, and immediately sent the part under his head into the room, standing uneasily against the door.

    "The freshly washed cherries, do you want to eat them?" Cheng Ran smiled ingratiatingly.

    Lan Qiye raised his head to look at him, and suddenly burst into a smile: "Okay, come here and feed me."

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    Cheng Ran walked over, picked up a cherries in trepidation, and delivered them to the Blue Qiye's mouth.

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