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Chapter 3 Marry First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (3)

    The air seemed to stand still.

    After a long while, Lan Qiye let out a sullen smile.

    Cheng Ran's heart dropped suddenly, and he almost let out a breath without patting his chest.

    Cheng Ran was a salesman in a previous life. Saying 800 good words every day would not necessarily sell the product. Over time, he developed the habit of using rainbow farts to save the market and try Bailing.

    Looking at it now, it seems to be quite useful for Lan Qiye.

    "I don't mind that you fall in love with me." Lan Qiye said with a smile, "So you still have to watch me and talk in the future, or I will suspect that you are empathetic and don't fall in love."

    ... perverted narcissist.

    Cheng Ran looked at him with a stiff smile and nodded.

    Naturally, someone was in charge of cleaning up the kitchen waste on the dining table. Seeing that Lan Qiye had no orders, Cheng Ran hurried upstairs.

    Although he stayed at home all day, but it wasn't fully autumn yet, the weather was still very hot, and Lan Qiye was frightened by a few cold sweats, so Cheng Ran got into the bathroom as soon as he entered the room.

    The original book did not describe much about the daily life of Lan Qiye and the original owner, but Cheng Ran reckoned that with Lan Qiye's attitude towards him, it was unlikely that he would come here tonight, so he was very relaxed when taking a bath, and hummed a little tune.

    After taking a shower, Cheng Ran only put on his top pajamas, carrying pajamas, and walked out of the bathroom with bare legs.

    When he went out, he froze.

    Lan Qiye came to his room at some point, leaning on the bedside and brushing his phone.

    Seeing Cheng Ran come out, he immediately raised his head.

    Cheng Ran quickly covered his legs with pajama pants.

    "What are you covering, I saw it last night." Lan Qiye curled his lips and waved at him, "Come here."

    Cheng Ran took a step back subconsciously.

    Lan Qiye's smile didn't change: "If it were me, your fate would not have been as good as last night."

    Cheng Ran's hair stood on end when he laughed, but he still had to walk over.

    Lan Qiye pulled away his hand directly, without the pajama pants, and the two long legs of Bai Shengsheng were completely exposed to his sight. Lan Qiye couldn't help thinking of the legs wrapped around him last night. The picture on the waist.

    He wanted the other party to pester him again.

    Lan Qiye has always acted recklessly, and Cheng Ran is the linzi he is marrying, so nightlife is a normal thing.

    But Cheng Ran didn't want to be taken to his stomach two nights in a row.

    When he was dragged to bed, he dared to resist a little: "Lan, Brother Lan, let's have a rest tonight, okay?"

    Lan Qiye thoughtlessly: "No."

    Cheng Ran pretended to be pitiful: "But My butt still hurts."

    In fact, Linzi's body is very different from that of a man. He recovered most of it after taking a nap, and there was no other serious problem except for the aches in his waist. Cheng Ran wasn't sure if Lan Qiye would believe his lie.

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