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Chapter 50 Gentle and obsessive love: Mr. Ba's sweet wife (6)

    Lu Zhongfeng cried and sat down in the Lan's living room.

    When he received a call from him before, Cheng Ran was taken aback. Afraid that he would do something stupid, he directly asked him where he was. After knowing that Er Dan was just hanging out, he immediately asked him to take a taxi to Lan's house.

    Lan Qiye didn't like Lu Zhongfeng, although he knew that Xinzi was no longer the strong opponent he used to be, but the other party was wearing the shell he hated the most, and he was close to the person he liked the most-especially this "shell" Zi" had a crush on his wife before - all Lan Qiye can do is not to drive Lu Zhongfeng out, as for the good face.

    Lu Zhongfeng was still a little afraid of Lan Qiye.

    Not because Lan Qiye is a murderous villain, but because Lan Qiye acts fiercely every time. But now Lu Zhongfeng was crying out of breath, and he didn't have the energy to be afraid of him anymore.

    Erdan used to be a crying bag, and was mocked as a sissy by her classmates, but now she can't hold back.

    Cheng Ran didn't force him to stop, and was responsible for handing over the tissues. After a while, half the box of tissues was wiped out, and Lu Zhongfeng finally came to an end.

    "I overheard the conversation between him and the doctor."

    Lu Zhongfeng pursed his nose and began to explain the reason: "Yesterday he accompanied me to the obstetric check-up, and when he was doing a project, he said that the company had something to do, and he had to make a call and let me I did it first. But the device broke down in the middle, and the doctor told the nurse to take me to the next department to borrow it, so I followed, and I accidentally saw that he was talking to a doctor."

    "I remember that doctor, When I was passing through, I encountered a small accident and I was in a coma for several hours. He was in charge at that time. Jiang Yousi actually knew that Lu Zhongfeng's core had been replaced. It was the doctor who told him that the original Lu Zhongfeng may have a dual personality."

    "Then they chatted for a while, and Jiang Yousi asked the doctor under what circumstances would the original Lu Zhongfeng come back."

    Speaking of this, Lu Zhongfeng's tears overflowed again, and he quickly blocked it with a tissue: "I always thought that he slowly fell in love with me after I passed through, but I didn't expect that he liked the original product. I've been thinking about how to get the original product back, what a joke I am! I'm a bad guy who occupies a magpie's nest!"

    It was not that Cheng Ran didn't suspect Jiang Yousi's vigilance before, but he was caught by the protagonist at that time. The halo blinded his eyes, subconsciously believing that Jiang Yousi didn't notice Lu Zhongfeng's abnormality. In fact, how is this possible? Even if Erdan pretends to look alike, it is easy to reveal his true nature in private. As a male supporting actor, Jiang Yousi cannot be so confused.

    It turns out that Jiang Yousi has always known about it, but he just didn't say it.

    "Then have you asked him personally?" Cheng Ran asked.

    Lu Zhongfeng shook his head and choked: "How can I ask this?"

    Cheng Ran was dumbfounded.

    Indeed, even if this kind of question is asked, it may not be the real answer, and it may damage the relationship between two people.

    "Then what do you mean now," Cheng Ran swallowed hard, "is it true that you don't plan to continue with him anymore?"

    Lu Zhongfeng nodded vigorously: "Actually, I tested him last night. Are you willing to marry me? I asked him if he could make his relationship public, but he hesitated!" After a

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