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Chapter 40 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (18)

    As soon as I arrived at the destination, I was squinted by the wind and sand, which is really not a good sign.

    Cheng Ran rubbed his eyes and exited.

    The place that Lu Zhongfeng chose was really good. He didn't go abroad, and he didn't need a visa or passport. He landed in a small, prosperous and prosperous city along the coast. The most important thing is that it is located in the south, and the temperature is stable throughout the year. Cheng Ran took off his thin coat as soon as he got off the plane.

    The hotel we stayed in had already been arranged in advance, so Cheng Ran called him as soon as he got out of the airport, and went straight to his destination.

    If Cheng Ran is really an aboriginal in the novel, a linzi who does not know the door, he will definitely feel very helpless. But in fact, Cheng Ran has been self-reliant since he went to college, and now he has come from one world to another, and living in another place is just a drizzle to him.

    Not to mention that there are two eggs behind him, first of all, there is no need to worry about economic problems.

    There were still tens of thousands of yuan in the original owner's account, but Cheng Ran didn't move. He was afraid that he would be shocked. He now had several thousand cash and a secondary card of Lu Zhongfeng. He believed that with the power of the Lu family, Lan Qiye could Even if he couldn't find the Lu family's head, it was enough to make him feel at ease for a while.

    The hotel is a five-star hotel with first-class service quality.

    The room is a presidential suite, and the environment is no worse than that in the Blue Villa.

    Cheng Ran slept in the room for two hours, and was ready to go out to buy a change of clothes and daily necessities. There is a hypermarket near the hotel. Cheng Ran didn't choose, he bought everything he needed after walking around, and then found a restaurant for dinner. When he returned to the hotel, he was almost exhausted.

    No way, his belly is not big, but his physical strength has been greatly reduced due to pregnancy.

    Thinking of going to find a house in the next few days, Cheng Ran seemed to have returned to the time when he had just graduated from university. He missed and smiled bitterly, took a shower, and fell asleep.

    Lu Zhongfeng received the consumption reminder from the supplementary card three days later.

    When he saw the consumption amount above, he knew that Cheng Ran had already found a house. Because he was not sure whether he wanted to settle there, he just rented the house. And... looking at the rent, Cheng Ran is a bit too economical. He clearly said that money is not a problem, just spend it casually.

    Cheng Ran's consideration was obviously far more profound than that of Lu Zhongfeng.

    He and Erdan are as close as brothers. Although he can comfortably accept financial assistance in difficult times, he does not want to rely on his brothers for food for the rest of his life. He is a man after all, and when the dust settles, he is bound to find a job to support himself. It is impossible to go back to school, which means that he dropped out of college. Obviously, it is impossible for him to find a good job with a high school degree. Even if he goes to self-examination later, his salary will have certain limitations.

    Thinking of this, Cheng Ran felt down for a while.

    Although he was only a small salesman at first, he graduated with a heavy education, and his performance in the department is considered to be top-notch. After a few years of hard work, he might be able to get a promotion and a salary increase. Low.

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