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Chapter 36 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (14)

    Lan Qiye had previously discovered that Cheng Ran was afraid of himself.

    Now... I'm still a little scared, but it seems that I'm moving towards the goal of less and less fear.

    Lan Qiye remembered the end of the original owner that Cheng Ran had mentioned to him before. It seems that he was killed by him because of cheating? And I'm afraid it's not as simple as killing it casually, otherwise Cheng Ran wouldn't have been secretive.

    Lan Qiye didn't ask because he wasn't interested, but now he is curious.

    After all, he didn't want his wife to be afraid of him all the time.

    Cheng Ran didn't expect Lan Qiye to suddenly ask this question, and for a while he didn't know how to answer—it was the most convenient to tell the truth, as long as the description of the original work was repeated, I was afraid that the big devil would listen to it. Unhappy; a little modification is more troublesome, and it needs to be edited, the big devil can definitely hear it, or I am afraid that I will be unhappy.

    Cheng Ran was in a dilemma.

    "Just tell the truth, and I won't do anything to you because of a few words." Lan Qiye was helpless.

    "That's what you said." Cheng Ran's hesitant attitude attracted Lan Qiye's eyes, "Just... when he gave birth, you asked the doctor to perform an autopsy, and after the autopsy, you threw the person into the slum. , In the end, it seems that he was killed by the tramp in the slum."

    After speaking, Cheng Ran was scared and embarrassed, what he was afraid of was the description of the dissection, and the embarrassing thing was being killed by the tramp wheel, the latter He seems to have only seen this setting in Little Yellow Mosquito.

    Lan Qiye didn't respond to what he said, but when he saw the flickering fear in Cheng Ran's eyes, he couldn't help defending himself: "Strictly speaking, the Lan Qiye you and I described should be considered two people, right? Cheng Ran was stunned: "


    Lan Qiye said: "It's like a parallel world. The moment you put on Cheng Ran, this world is not the world you know."

    Cheng Ran pursed his lips. , tentatively asked: "You mean, you won't dissect the original master?"

    "...If he is really as bad as you describe," Lan Qiye paused, or chose to tell the truth, " I will."

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    Saying it or not is the same as not saying it.

    Lan Qiye was a little irritated: "Could you be like him and give me a cuckold?"

    "Of course not!" Cheng Ran thought without hesitation, "I'm not so depraved, even if I'm empathetic and don't fall in love, I will also divorce you first and then find a second spring!"

    "...I don't think I heard the last half of the sentence." Lan Qiye took a breath, and he knew that this little bastard would always inadvertently piss him off. Half dead, "Since you are not him, why are you worried that you will end up like him?"

    Cheng Ran was speechless for a moment.

    yeah why?

    In fact, in the original book, the original owner was the worst offender of all those who offended Lan Qiye. Even if other people are disgraced, jailed or committed suicide, or destitute all their lives, they are not as terrifying as Uehara's tortured and tragic death.

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