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Chapter 19 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (19)

    Cheng Ran didn't know what to do for a while.

    If it was someone else who stood up for him, Cheng Ran would definitely be moved and grateful.

    But now, replacing this "other" with "Lan Qiye", he poured alcohol on people's heads so arrogantly in public, and threatened to cut off their arms by themselves. Cheng Ran felt extremely horrified.

    Q: Are you moved?

    Cheng Ran: I dare not move, I dare not move.

    So scary to cry!

    But Zhou Liangfu, who was humiliated, didn't dare to let one go. After reacting, he avoided contact with Lan Qiye, and his mind was full of himself.

    Lan Qiye escaped with a single blow.

    After pouring the wine, he hugged Cheng Ran and walked back, and calmly pointed at the lobster tongs that Cheng Ran had coveted for a long time: "Eat it, haven't you wanted to eat for a long time?

    " , just because the host who came over after hearing the news stopped.

    Lan Qiye frowned in displeasure.

    Zhou Qifa had a smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be angry because of the farce just now, but he was younger on Tuesday, showing a little bit of unhappiness, but even so, he didn't dare to trouble Lan Qiye.

    The Lu family, the Jiang family and the Lan family are the three giants in the original book.

    A protagonist, a supporting role, plus a villain, and the rest are extras. If you dare to provoke any of them, it will be an end - death! Zhou Qifa is considered a prominent figure in this city, but in the face of super-first-class young entrepreneurs, he is not enough to be seen as a first-class middle-aged entrepreneur.

    "Mr. Lan, what happened just now?" Zhou Qiqi smiled apologetically, "Did it be Zhou Liang's ignorant disrespect to his wife?"

    Lan Qiye snorted lightly: "Almost, but I have already resolved this matter myself. Now, don't work hard, always worry about it."

    Zhou Qiqi said diligently: "How can it happen? This is my old Zhou's territory, and Mrs. Lan must not be wronged. I will let Zhou Liang and the others leave the venue to ensure that it will not hinder the eyes of Mr. Lan and Mrs. Lan."

    Lan Qi Wild is noncommittal.

    On the contrary, it was Zhou Qiqi's performance that made Cheng Ran speechless - what kind of image does Lan Qiye usually look like in the business circle? To actually let an old man over fifty years old dare not neglect him at all. He is indeed the villain.

    Cheng Ran was sighing with emotion when his right hand was suddenly pulled up.

    It was a pair of soft and warm palms, completely different from Lan Qiye's big hands. Cheng Ran was stunned, turned his head to look to the right, and saw the bride-to-be Miss Fang holding his hand with a smile, saying: " If Mrs. Lan doesn't mind, let me take her to get acquainted with our circle. Talking about business is a man's business, and Mrs. Lan is too busy when there is no one to talk to, so it is too lonely."

    Fortunately, Cheng Cheng However, he doesn't like women, otherwise, facing such a gentle Miss Fang, he will probably be distracted.

    Lan Qiye raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you lonely?"

    Cheng Ran was agitated, he quickly took his hand out of Miss Fang's hand, stepped back behind Lan Qiye to hold his arm, and started a playful performance: "How could it be? Lonely, even if I have nothing to do, just looking at Brother Qiye makes my heart feel full, and I have no time to be distracted." The

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