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Chapter 53 Gentle and obsessive love: Mr. Ba's sweet wife (9)

    Afraid that Jiang Yousi would not leave, Lu Zhongfeng simply lay back on the bed and covered his head with the quilt: "I'm going to rest!"

    Seeing this, Jiang Yousi sighed helplessly.

    Cheng Ran outside the door saw that Jiang Yousi was about to come out, so he quickly pushed Lan Qiye back, and then hid behind the door to peek. Unexpectedly, after Jiang Yousi came out, he walked straight towards them.

    Cheng Ran clawed at the door and looked at him warily.

    "Thank you for this time." Jiang Yousi said, "Although I don't like you, I will not forget your care for Shufeng. I owe you a favor."

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    This man Will you speak? Shut up if you don't know how to speak, and it's still the most gentle and popular Gong Er in the original book.

    Cheng Ran also said politely: "It's not a human relationship. Erdan and I are good friends. Since some people can't fulfill their responsibilities as husbands, of course my best friend can't just sit back and ignore

    them." Jiang Yousi slightly Frowning, he said, "It's not convenient for me to disclose the reason, but I didn't mean to leave at this time. It was beyond my expectation that the final wind would be born prematurely. But this is a matter between me and him, I hope You can don't interfere."

    Cheng Ran said, "I don't care about your affairs, I will take care of Erdan's affairs."

    Jiang Yousi didn't want to argue with him, so he left.

    Cheng Ran stayed where he was, so angry that he wanted to beat the wall, but after thinking that his hand hurt, he gave up.

    Lan Qiye said: "You haven't recovered yet, hurry back to rest."

    Cheng Ran also felt a little sore in his legs, but he still had to visit Erdan, so he didn't agree, instead he said, "I still have something to talk to Erdan. Say, you go to see the child first, see when you can bring it back, and by the way, ask how Erdan's child is."

    Cheng Ran's cub was full-term, but was taken to the baby's room temporarily, and it should be easy to bring back. But Erdan's child is a premature baby, and it seems that there are still three or four days left in the seven months. They are twins. They are small and weak and underdeveloped. Lan Qiye remembers that the child was placed in the incubator as soon as he was picked up.

    "Don't worry, child, I'll accompany you first." Lan Qiye said.

    Cheng Ran said helplessly, "But I'm in a hurry. You can meet me after you bring the child back."

    Lan Qiye thought about it and thought it was feasible, and watched Cheng Ran enter Lu Zhongfeng's ward before leaving.

    Lu Zhongfeng thought it was Jiang Yousi who left and came back, but just wanted to be aggressive, he lifted the quilt with his brows raised and raised his eyes, only to find that it was Cheng Ran. A word was blocked.

    "I peeked outside the door for a long time just now, Erdan, are you too unprincipled? You were coaxed so easily by sweet words?"

    "..." Lu Zhongfeng pouted, "Didn't you fall for it in the end?"

    Cheng Ran snorted lightly and said, "If you really forgive him like this, I will despise you."

    Lu Zhongfeng smiled dryly: "You said that you have been peeping before, then you should have heard him say that too. Is that right? He came to explain it to me specially this time, and I misunderstood him at the beginning."

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