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Chapter 31 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (9)

    Cheng Ran felt that there was no need to come to the hospital.

    Because by the time he got into the taxi, he felt much better, and after he got to the hospital, he didn't feel any pain at all, but Lu Zhongfeng seemed to be ill, so he forced him to do a comprehensive examination.

    Seeing that he was busy, Cheng Ran urged himself to draw blood for an ultrasound, and couldn't help but ask, "Have you forgotten that you are still a pregnant woman?"

    So excited, he was not afraid of fetal gas.

    Lu Zhongfeng's footsteps stopped immediately, he felt in place for a few seconds, and after finding that there was no discomfort, he immediately urged Cheng Ran to start: "Please, it's you who is injured, can you serve snacks yourself?"

    Cheng Ran Lifting up his scratched palm, which didn't even bleed a few drops, he wondered, "This is considered an injury?"

    Lu Zhongfeng was sullen, but he couldn't tell the truth: "...Then you said that your stomach hurts.

    " It was just a while ago." Cheng Ran said, "The pain is gone now, 80% of which is because I was frightened by eating too much and had stomach cramps."

    Lu Zhongfeng: "..."

    But all the money was paid, and Lu Zhongfeng thought that it should not be wasted. As an excuse, he just urged Cheng Ran to complete the inspection items one by one.

    When Cheng Ran entered the ultrasound room, Lu Zhongfeng also followed.

    He was a tall man, a man who had been pretending for nearly thirty years, and no one could see that he was a linzi. The doctors and nurses in the room naturally regarded them as a couple. The doctor was a middle-aged woman in her forties with a round face and kind eyes. She motioned Cheng Ran to pull down her pants to reveal her abdomen.

    Cheng Ran did the same.

    Lu Zhongfeng glanced at it subconsciously, and wanted to roll his eyes.

    Even lying down, you can clearly see a bulge on the lower abdomen, how did Cheng Ran deceive himself into thinking that he was just gaining weight? Could it be that Lan Qiye was given Ecstasy?

    "The fetal heart rate is normal and the baby is very healthy."

    As soon as the female doctor spoke casually, it was too late for Lu Zhongfeng to stop him: "It's been fifteen weeks, and even though the first three months of the dangerous period have passed, you can't take it lightly after that."

    "What baby? Cheng Ran was lying on the bed dumbfounded.

    The female doctor did not expect this reaction from him. She glanced at Lu Zhongfeng, who was caressing his forehead without saying a word, and then looked at Cheng Ran, who had been petrified, with a wonderful expression. She was about to speak when Cheng Ran spoke again: "What do you mean, I'm pregnant?" The

    female doctor laughed angrily: "Are you going to tell me you don't know?"

    Cheng Ran nodded solemnly.

    The female doctor was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to get her voice back: "I've never seen such confused parents, and it's almost four months of pregnancy. So why are you here today? This is a gynecology department!"

    Cheng Ran said wrongly, "I don't know it's a gynecology department. I was just injured by a motorcycle. I came to check my body!" The

    female doctor immediately turned to Lu Zhongfeng when she heard the words.

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