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Chapter 29 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (7)

    Seeing that Cheng Ran spat the ribs back into the bowl with a "poof", Lan Qiye frowned, "Are you uncomfortable again?"

    Cheng Ran shook his head silently, and silently picked up the ribs again.

    Lan Qiye: "..."

    Cheng Ran didn't notice the strange expression of the big devil, all his attention was on Ni Gantang. Ni Gantang, dressed in a refreshing waiter uniform, walked over to the main table with red wine and poured wine for the Lu family one by one.

    The Lu family held a birthday banquet at home today, and they invited a team of chefs from a well-known hotel. They even hired their waiters from outside. Looking at Ni Gantang's dress, it was obvious that he was also a member of the outside. What Cheng Ran didn't understand was that in the original novel, Ni Gantang at this time should have been picked up by the agency and started acting. Why would he be a waiter in a hotel? He is the protagonist, so he won't lose Lu Zhongfeng's favor, not even his original halo.

    Cheng Ran stared at Ni Gantang without blinking, and clearly saw that when it was Lu Zhongfeng's turn, Ni Gantang's eyes lingered on him, but Lu Zhongfeng didn't notice, his eyes were full of Jiang Yousi.

    The protagonist is weird.

    Cheng Ran felt a sense of disobedience.

    Just as he was wondering, someone suddenly touched his arm: "The bones are about to be chewed, what are you thinking?"

    Cheng Ran was stunned, turned to look at Lan Qiye, moved his mouth, and found that the ribs just now were on the The meat has been eaten up by himself, and now there is only a bone in his mouth.

    "I'm exercising my teeth." Cheng Ran laughed, finally looking away from the main table and focusing on eating.

    Lan Qiye followed his line of sight just now, and when he saw Ni Gantang's face, he couldn't help frowning.

    A little familiar, where have you seen it?

    There were various performances on the stage, and a steady stream of delicacies were served on the table. Cheng Ran was like a little gluttonous eater. stunned.

    Sitting on Cheng Ran's left was a well-maintained woman in her early forties. Her own children were probably no more than two years younger than Cheng Ran. Seeing this, she smiled kindly and said, "Mrs. Lan has such a good appetite, look at you. Pan Yuanrun, shouldn't there be good news?"

    Lan Qiye's eyes flashed.

    Only Cheng Ran was still in the situation: "What's the good news?"

    "I'm just happy." The woman didn't see it either, she completely treated Cheng Ran as a junior, and even reached out and touched his waist, "I think Ten times, the little lady's waist is thick."

    Cheng Ran put down his chopsticks in horror, covered his stomach and said, "Is my waist so thick!"

    The woman was frightened by him. He jumped, slightly embarrassed, and said, "It's not that obvious, Mrs. Lan's figure is still very good."

    Cheng Ran didn't listen, he put his hands on his waist for a long time, and finally had to Sadly, he admitted that there was indeed an extra ring of flesh on his waist, and it was not an illusion at all that the small suit was tight before.

    snort! Blame Lan Qiye for not letting him go out every day, and feeding him so well, making him grow fat while lying at home!

    The blow of getting fat made him completely ignore the word "youxi".

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