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Chapter 7: Marriage First, Love After: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (7)

    Cheng Ran didn't know how long Jiang Qin would be able to disappear this time, but at least he was clean now.

    I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to the classroom. After I went back, I guessed that either Fang Qiyuan was making trouble or the classmates talked about it. Cheng Ran simply went to the library and spent a day in it. Anyway, the afternoon class was an elective course, and no names were called.

    Because of Fang Qiyuan and Jiang Qin, Cheng Ran was not in a particularly good mood today.

    The thought of going home and facing Lan Qiye again made him feel even worse.

    Cheng Ran was driving the car and walked slowly in the community. Suddenly, a small white dumpling rolled in his sight. Cheng Ran immediately stepped on the brakes and broke out in a cold sweat.

    He got out of the car to check and found a small milk cat the size of a palm struggling under the front of the car.

    If he hadn't braked in time, I'm afraid this little life would have died under the wheel.

    Cheng Ran took out the milk cat.

    Looking at it from such a close distance, this milk cat is not pure white. It has uneven distribution of gray on its head, limbs and tail. It looks like a string. Nine times out of ten, it is a wild cat in the community, but it doesn't know how to run. to the middle of the road.

    Cheng Ran searched for a while in the nearby grass, trying to send the milk cat back to the cathouse, but failed.

    In fact, Cheng Ran likes small animals very much. In the past, there was a fat orange that he had raised since elementary school. He died of old age when he graduated from college. Cheng Ran felt sad and didn't consider raising it again. Now looking at the little thing struggling in the palm of his hand, he couldn't bear to throw it back into the grass.

    But Lan Qiye may not allow him to keep pets.

    Cheng Ran exhaled, took the milk cat back to the car, and navigated to the nearby pet hospital.

    After inspection, the situation is still optimistic. The milk cat is estimated to be less than two months old. It is barely at the age of weaning, but it is a little malnourished. The pet doctor briefly cleaned it, fed it with deworming medicine and cat food, and then returned the fluffy kitten to Cheng Ran, and explained a series of precautions.

    After hearing two sentences, Cheng Ran was embarrassed to interrupt the doctor, saying that he might not be able to support him.

    This unexpected trip took Cheng Ran nearly two hours. When he returned to the villa, it was dark, but Lan Qiye had not returned. Cheng Ran carefully put the milk cat into the schoolbag and walked into the house with her arms in her arms.

    "Xiao Ran, you're back."

    Cheng Ran was frightened and let out a roar, and he was relieved to see that it was Uncle Liu.

    Uncle Liu looked inexplicable and laughed: "What's the matter? Did you do something bad secretly?"

    Cheng Ran was about to deny it when a weak "Mi-"

    Uncle Liu: "!!!"

    Cheng Ran: "Σ(っ°Д°;)っ"

    Uncle Liu said in surprise: "You brought the cat back?!"

    Cheng Ran raised his finger quickly, motioning him to keep his voice down: "I didn't mean to, be quiet, don't let others You heard me."

    Uncle Liu nodded and said, "What a big cat, show me."

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