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Chapter 14 Married First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (14)

    When Cheng Ran returned to the room, he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his mouth.

    He actually bit Lan Qiye? ! ! !

    What should I do, how would Lan Qiye kill him?

    Cheng Ran stared at the door with tears in his eyes. Although the door was locked, Lan Qiye must have a spare key. Taking a step back, he said that even if he didn't have the key, he could still smash the door with Lan Qiye's character. of.

    He is dead QAQ!

    Xiao Hui was restrained in his arms by him, moved a little uncomfortable, raised his head and let out a meow.

    Cheng Ran choked and said, "What should I do, you might be sleeping on the street again."

    Xiao Hui tilted his head: "Meow?"

    Seeing Xiao Hui's cute and invincible appearance, Cheng Ran resolutely did not want to let it go back to living like that again. After thinking about the date, he took out his mobile phone and began to explain his last words to Lu Zhongfeng, as well as various precautions for taking care of Xiao Hui.

    Probably because his tone and content were too desperate, Lu Zhongfeng made a direct phone call.

    "However, what happened? Lan Qiye wants to attack you? No, how long has it been!"

    Cheng Ran said with a sad face, "Er egg, I'm dead."

    Lu Zhongfeng said anxiously, "So Tell me what's wrong with you!"

    Cheng Ran glanced at the door again, and said, "I bit him just now."

    Lu Zhongfeng said, "Where did he bite?"

    Cheng Ran said, "Face."

    Lu Zhong Feng was silent for a moment, then said, "Is this your new love?"

    "Go away! I'm serious!" Cheng Ran gritted his teeth, "That devil thinks I'm fat and says that he wants me to lose weight, and I can only eat cucumbers every day. Didn't I go to school today, he ignored his warning, had a good meal, and when he came back he smelled my mouth, and said that he would punish me for not eating dinner and take away all my snacks , I was dizzy for a while, so I bit him."

    "It's too much!" Lu Zhongfeng shared his hatred, "Snacks are innocent, why should they be implicated!"

    "..." Cheng Ran's forehead jumped suddenly, "If you don't stay upright, you'll break up with friends!"

    Lu Zhongfeng hurriedly said With a positive attitude, he smirked: "Don't I want to ease the atmosphere, but don't be angry, are you worried that he will kill you now?"

    Cheng Ran said: "Yes, otherwise I will be free to write a suicide note for you. After I die, remember to take care of my cat."

    Lu Zhongfeng hurriedly said, "It's not that serious, right? Is he angry now?"

    Cheng Ran said, "How do I know, I ran away after biting me."

    Lu Zhongfeng Said: "Where are you now?"

    Cheng Ran said: "In my room."

    Lu Zhongfeng said: "You are stupid, you still stay at home and won't run out? Come directly to me to take refuge!"

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    He was so frightened at the time, how could he think so much.

    Lu Zhongfeng said: "Apart from the pervert, who else is in your family now?"

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