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Chapter 4 Marry First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (4)

    In this worldview, Linzi and women are equal existences.

    Just like in Cheng Ran's original world, few girls would talk about their sex and life in public. Cheng Ran, as a linzi, actually said such a thing in public, which was enough to make most of the class blush.

    Fang Qiyuan's face was flushed with anger: "You, you are shameless!"

    Cheng Ran blinked innocently: "Why, are you jealous? You can't marry Qiye if you are jealous, or do you want to be a third party?

    " Yours!" Fang Qiyuan scolded, "Don't think I don't know that you married Lan Qiye for money, and you are still complacent when your parents sold you to save the company? Don't be funny, like Lan Qiye That kind of man, even if I die alone, I won't marry! Just wait for him to play dead, and I will remember to burn incense sticks for you!"

    Cheng Ran looked at him without saying a word.

    Fang Qiyuan thought that he was being scolded by himself, but just as he was about to show a triumphant smile, he suddenly realized that the classroom seemed to be a bit terrifyingly quiet.

    He turned around and saw the class director standing at the door with a dark face.

    "Fang Qiyuan, come to my office after class." Cheng Ran


    , he really didn't mean it.

    He originally just wanted to respond to Fang Qiyuan, but who knew that the other party would curse so viciously when he opened his mouth, and it happened to be overheard by the class guide.

    Because of the appearance of the class guide, the classroom suddenly became quiet.

    Even Fang Qiyuan was stunned. Although he was called Yuanxing Bawanghua, he was only a student. Even if he knew that he would not be punished, just being called to the office to criticize in public was enough to make him humiliated. Fang Qiyuan glared at Cheng Ran angrily, and Cheng Ran waved his hands innocently towards him.

    Fang Qiyuan snorted heavily, but did not challenge him again.

    Cheng Ran sat alone in the corner and listened to a music history lesson in a fog.

    After class, Fang Qiyuan shook off the two small attendants with a stinky face, and rushed out of the classroom angrily. The original owner didn't have a class in the next class, so Cheng Ran just found an empty classroom to play with his mobile phone and waited for lunch.

    Suddenly there was a door opening behind him.

    Because there were other students in the classroom killing time, Cheng Ran just assumed that he was just like them and didn't care until the other student sat down beside him.

    Cheng Ran was stunned, looked up, it was a handsome boy.

    With a touch of sadness on the boy's face, he stared at him affectionately, and he saw goosebumps all over Cheng Ran.

    "Excuse me..."

    "Xiao Ran, how are you doing these days?"

    Cheng Ran was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth. The handsome boy's eyes were full of affection, as if he was looking at his most cherished lover. Cheng Ran found out about the boy's memory from the chaos in the wind - Jiang Qin, the senior of the film school next door, and the suitor of the original owner Minglian.

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