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Chapter 11 Marry First, Love Later: President Pa's Little Runaway Wife (11)

    Cheng Ran's head was full of black lines.

    He thought it was over, why did Lan Qiye mention it again?

    So he could only pretend to say: "I won't go, you must be unhappy to see me have any contact with him."

    Lan Qiye said in surprise: "Why do you think so? I wish you had contact, okay? Let Lu Zhongfeng see how loving we are, so that he can give up completely and stop sending you those messy things, right?"

    Cheng Ran: "..."

    Damn, I still remember those few things. What about the news.

    In the end, of course, he went upstairs to change his clothes and drove to the venue with Lan Qiye.

    When Cheng Ran got out of the car, he was surprised by the splendor of the destination, but he quickly lowered his head with restraint, so as not to be seen through his ignorance and embarrassing himself and Lan Qiye.

    Lan Qiye didn't say what kind of party this was, and Cheng Ran wasn't interested in asking. It was made by rich people who were so idle.

    He has seen this kind of episode a lot on TV - the rich man's son or daughter has a birthday, so he will hold a party; if so-and-so is engaged, he will hold a party; the last thing he can't understand is the charity party, asking the bosses of each family to donate a party. Things come out, and then they are auctioned on the spot, and the money from the auction is donated. It's all about face and reputation. It's very hypocritical, and I don't know if the money is really in the hands of the recipient.

    As a young talent, Lan Qiye is well-known in the circle.

    As soon as I entered the door, people came to say hello one after another, and even Cheng Ran, who was the newlywed Linzi, was taken care of over and over again, and his face froze.

    Most importantly, he was hungry.

    Cheng Ran took Lan Qiye's arm and quietly tugged at his sleeve.

    Just in time to see off a boss, Lan Qiye leaned close to him: "What's the matter?"

    Cheng Ran whispered, "I'm so hungry, can I go eat something first?" There is a buffet table not far away. It looked like he was drooling for a while.

    "Go." Lan Qiye did not object.

    But just as Cheng Ran let go of his arm, he was pulled back into his arms by him, his back was against Lan Qiye's chest, and he heard him say, "I'll accompany you."

    Cheng Ran was puzzled and looked up . Lan Qiye glanced at him, but found that he was not looking at himself, but at a corner not far away.

    Cheng Ran followed his line of sight and saw two extremely handsome and tall men, one was domineering and the other was mild-mannered. He vaguely felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

    "Let's go." Lan Qiye pushed him from behind and urged.

    Cheng Ran walked forward with his arms around him in confusion, and was quickly attracted by the food and all his attention was drawn.

    There was everything on the buffet table, Cheng Ran took the plate, and gave one to Lan Qiye, and quickly took the egg tart closest to him with a clip, looked around and no one noticed him, and filled his mouth when he picked it up.

    good times! ! !

    Cheng Ran swallowed the egg tart three times and twice, and was about to take the second one when a fork of cake suddenly came to his mouth.

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