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Chapter 25 Crazy Love: The President's Petite Wife (3)

    "I'm warning you, don't try to take Cheng Ran away from me."

    Lan Qiye looked like a villain.

    Lu Zhongfeng's mouth moved, and he was quite cautious, but he lost his momentum completely: "Because he is pregnant with your child?"

    Lan Qiye said arrogantly: "Even if he is not pregnant, it is my person!"

    Lu Zhong Feng gave a dull "Oh" and asked, "What does Cheng Ran think about this?" It hit the nail on the head.

    This is what bothers Lan Qiye the most, and it is also the reason why he called Lu Zhongfeng to talk, but he can't bluntly ask Lu Zhongfeng to persuade Cheng Ran for him, so what he said became more and more like a threat: "Cheng Ran I don't know now."

    Lu Zhongfeng said: "Then how did you know?"

    Lan Qiye said harshly: "Why are you talking so much?"

    Lu Zhongfeng quickly shut up, and after a while of silence, he asked again: " With Xiaoran's character, she should be reluctant to have children." After a pause, he glanced at the other party again, and said boldly, "Especially your child."

    Lan Qiye stinks, but is No rebuttal.

    Lu Zhongfeng was very active in the end, and the environment he grew up in made his emotional intelligence much higher than Cheng Ran's. He immediately understood Lan Qiye's intention and exclaimed, "You don't want me to be a kid. Ran's ideological work! I won't do it!"

    Lan Qiye said: "You have to do it if you don't."

    Lu Zhongfeng said angrily: "Xiao Ran is my good friend, and I will never do anything to betray my friends. "

    Then you're finished." Lan Qiye said in a relaxed manner, "Jiang Yousi is the same, just wait and be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks."

    Lu Zhongfeng endured his fear and said with a stern face: "I It's the protagonist, you can't kill me."

    Lan Qiye sneered: "If the original Lu Zhongfeng said this, I would believe it, but now the person in the shell is replaced by you, do you think you can fight me? If I put you and Jiang Yousi now. If I kill him and then destroy the corpse, can they find me?"

    Although the original book did not explicitly mention that Lan Qiye was murderous, Lu Zhongfeng believed that he could do such a thing.

    Lu Zhongfeng was stunned all of a sudden.

    He finally had a chance to be happy, he didn't want to die so quickly, and he had to implicate his lover.

    But Cheng Ran had been his friend for many years, and the only relative in this world. Even if he betrayed his good brother and worked for Lan Qiye, he couldn't do it.

    Seeing that Lu Zhongfeng was silent, Lan Qiye didn't urge him to know that he was shaken.

    Lu Zhongfeng was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle, and in just a few minutes, he had almost exhausted his brain cells for more than 20 years. Betrayal of Cheng Ran can be excluded from the options first, but Lu Zhongfeng also firmly believes that Cheng Ran will not be able to find a way to return home. Qi Ye obviously couldn't let him go easily.

    Lu Zhongfeng still believes in his protagonist's halo, and Jiang Yousi's second halo is not far behind. It should be more than enough to fight against Lan Qiye, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to live after helping Cheng Ran. The difficulty lies in Cheng Ran's halo of cannon fodder. Even if he can help him escape, he cannot guarantee that he will not be found for the rest of his life. What's more, if you spend the rest of your life like a fugitive, and hide in fear every day, is it even alive?

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