The meeting

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5 months ago
Fernando's POV:

Leonardo and I finally figured out where our shadow girl lived. It took us a very long time, but then we had a dream that told us her country
it actually told us the state, but we figured out which country it was in.

So we took a risk to go and look for someone that we barely knew about, and she might not even exist, but that's a risk we were going to take.

I and Leonardo need a vacation anyway.

We traveled all the way to South Africa to look for her, we know that her family was not that rich and she was still in highschool, but it would take us a long time to find her.

We went to a school called Northriding first before we ended up going to the school that we are at currently.

We made a deal with the principal, saying that we were going to pay her 100 thousand Rand the day before we leave and she agreed to the deal immediately.

On Monday, It looked like we found the girl we were looking for.


She's so cute, so kind, and so caring.

She acts exactly like the shadow girl, and even if she wasn't her, I am already head over heels for her, and Leonardo feels the same.

We usually use girls for sex and forget about them afterward, but this one, she is different.

TWO WEEKS LATER (During exams)

Leonardo's POV:

We want to Rose's register class where they were writing exams, to tell the teacher that we want him to organise a meeting for us with the principal.

We entered the class, and everyone sat up straight immediately when they saw us, I am sure that's because of what I and Fernando did weeks ago, the revenge for Rose.

Even the teacher was surprised, I don't think they do this when the teachers enter.

Fernando walked start to the teacher and I saw Rose, she was sitting at the front, sound asleep.

I walked up her, bent over slightly, and cleared my throat loudly to wake her up.

She opened one of her eyes and when she saw me, she almost fell off her chair.

I guess she was not expecting to see me.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Why are you sleeping cupcake?"

"Am I not allowed to sleep?"

she sounded frustrated. I guess she's moody after she wakes up.

"Am done with the exam."

she added.

"Ok, if you say so and there's no need to be feisty,"

I said, then walked towards Fernando and the sir he was talking to.

The sir immediately agreed with Fernando to organise a meeting this week. Then, Fernando and I exited the class. That's when the learners relaxed a bit.

Before we exited, Fernando looked back at Rose and saw her rubbing one of her eyes.

"You woke her up?"

He asked in a calm-ish tone.

"Yeah, I asked her why she was sleeping during an exam."

"And what did she say?"

He asked.

"She said that she was done."

"She looked cute while she was sleeping."

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