The Maid

444 16 1

3 weeks later
Rose's POV:

It was a week before term two was over and I was telling Leonardo and Fernando how I was planning to get a side job to help my parents with some of the bills.

"I am thinking about maybe being a babysitter but there is no one who is going to help me, all my friends will be busy on the holidays."

"What if you come and work as a maid at our house?"

Leonardo asked with a raised  eyebrow.

"Yeah, and we will pay you well"

Fernando added agreeing with Leonardo's idea.

"Will your parents allow?"

I asked.

"You mean our father, sure he won't mind"

Leonardo replied.

"What about your mum?"

I asked and it looked like my question had touched a blood vessel.

"Our mother passed away when I and Leonardo were young"

Fernando said holding his chin with his eyes closed, it looked like he was thinking about something.

"Oh I am sorry for asking such a question"

I said looking down.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't know"

Fernando said calmly.

"Ok so how much money are we talking about here"

I asked, changing the subject, I had no intentions of being rude.

"R6500 per week, and if you're a good girl we will add R500, is it a deal"

Leonardo said.

"So much money"

I said in shock.

"Yeah so is it a deal?"Fernando repeated the question.

"Sure, its a deal"

I said excitedly.

"Great, you start next week Monday, we will send you the address, you start at 10:00am and you will leave at 04:00pm"

Leonardo added.

"Why does this now sound like an interview all of a sudden"

"It just how Leonardo sounds when his making deals"

Fernando said and they both chuckled.

Well I guess it's not too bad, I will only be working for 6 hours.
Fast forward:

It's now Monday and my mum dropped me off infront of a huge mansion this morning, is this really where Leonardo and Fernando live?
I was shocked.

I entered the mansion while looking around the place.

"You are late, princesa"

I heard and turned my head to see Fernando sitting on a couch.

He stood up and walked towards me but stopped half way.

"Sorry, my mum was having second thoughts on the way here"

I explained while looking him up and down.

He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt which looked really good on him and he was heading towards the stairs.

"You look good"
"Thank you" he replied

"Where are you going so early in the morning?"

I asked.

"That is none of your business princesa."

He said, side eyeing me and I felt like taking back my compliment.

I should actually learn how to kept my mouth shut. I was too embarrassed to keep on talking.


Fernando shouted from up stairs and I started walking up the stairs and entered a room that he was in.

"Here is you uniform"

Fernando said cheekily while handing me some clothes. This was not mentioned in the agreement that we had agreed on.

He went out the room and left me there to change.

It was a short black and white maid dress which had a little bowtie which was tie around the collar. There were also high knee white socks and little black shoes, which looked cute just to say.

I starred at the the outfit for a few minutes.

They can't expect me to wear this.

I was hesitant for a long time but then decided to put it on.

"Are you done yet? What's taking you so long!?"

Fernando shouted from outside the room.

"I don't like it."

I complained.

"Just get out the room"

he said and I slowly exited, looking down at this 'Hoe' outfit that I was forced to wearing.

A flush of light stung my eyes and I realised that he took a picture of me.


I demanded while trying to get the phone from him.

"Don't worry I won't send it to anyone it's just a picture that I will look at when I miss you"

he said and I backed away.

"I swear, if you send that picture to anyone..."

I threatened

"You look cute "

he winked at me with a big grin and I didn't know if I should say 'thank you' or feel insulted so I just stared at him.

He handed me a piece of paper that was in his pocket after saying that compliment and insult and I looked at it for a while.

"So that is a list of things that you have to do, Leonardo and I will come late so when it 4pm you may leave when you are done"

He said looking over his shoulder away from me, was he trying not to show me how much his blushing?

Because if he was, I had already seen his red face so there was no use.


"And if anyone enters the house call me or Leonardo, ok"

He added looking back at me.

"So you are saying that someone might barge in"

I said looking worried.

"Well yes"

Fernando said calmly and looked back at me.

"But don't worry we will handle it if someone does barge in"

he added.

"Now I have to get going"

he said and kissed my forehead before he walked down stairs and left the house.

There were only three things on the list, which were:

1.Put the dishes in the dishwasher.

2.Put the clothes in the washing machine then in the dryer.

3.Iron only the white shirts.

And at the bottom of the list it said that there were chocolates in the fridge and that I could help myself.

This would  be as hard as I expected it to be.

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